Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pictures from the Past.....Here's to you Florida!!!

OK. Here's what happened. A few of us were over at Grandmoms and Aunt Mare's house helping getting ready for the move and A.Donna and A.Kathy told me to post these pictures on the blog just for you.......I thought it would be fun too.

Here's Aunt Maureen riding a horse back in 1977.

I think this is my favorite picture of the bunch!!!! Gotta love Uncle Dave's gear! (No date on this picture)

Happy Birthday to a special little girl. Aunt Maureen, Jennifer, and Angela in 1986

Angela posing for the camera in 1985.

Angela posing in the Bahamas in 1997.


Valerie said...

Priceless. This is one of my all time favorite posts!!! Angela - love that saggy diaper.

Donna said...

Good job Stevie!!! The pics are a definite blast from the past. Thank you for doing the deed.

Valerie said...

I have a question. Is the picture of A. Maureen & the girls from the kitchen of Grandmom's house in Morgandale?

Maureen said...

The pic of me and the girls was for Angela's 3rd birthday and we were living in an apartment in FL, waiting for our house on Shasta Drive to be built. What makes me laugh when I see these pictures is my habit of always leaving kitchen cabinets open. I've been working at getting better at it but when I see these pics I realize how old the habit actually is....Do I stand a chance????

Maureen said...

Hey Valerie - the diaper isn't saggy....that's her little "pull ups". Isn't she cute!

Donna said...

Precious!. Only kidding Angela