Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hello Everyone

Today, I am taking down all of the decorations from Christmas - boy what a job. Must say that the tree is much easier undecorating then it is decorating. How are all the sickies doing. I know poor mom is back on her antibioctic. Bummer. Brianna started with a really bad sore throat the day after Christmas and she is just starting to feel better. Hoping to send her back to school tomorrow but will see. Hope everyone got what they wished for. I did - I got a ipod touch that is so cool and a new phone (I have had the same one for at least 10 years - it was a brick). The Ipod gives me something to listen to when I am doing the treadmill. What a bore by the way. Walking outside is much nicer but I hate the cold and wind. I had a nice after Christmas surprise too. Yesterday I found out that I was a winner to a $300 shopping spree at my favorit store in Skippack. Southwest trading post held a December drawling and my name was picked. I am going today and hoping a necklass I have been eyeing up is still there. I would have never bought it on my own but this certificate will cover it.

Last week I was taking a beating at work from the Redskin, Steelers and yes we even have a Dallas fan. The Dallas fan was banned from entering the office last week but he had his fun emailing me. The Steelers fan drove up with the steelers logo on his company van. I advised him that he would need to immediatly remove the logo or I was calling in the car as stolen - he new better than to taunt me so he was pretty quiet. The Redskin fan was relentless. He is the worst of all. I was so happy to see the redskins out in the first round. It was a bonus that steelers went the first round too. Next week will be tolerable.

Alright everyone get back to blogging. I want to know how everyone is doing.



Maureen said...

I feel your pain with the undecorating. I got most of it down but still have the staircase and the railing above the dining room. I must say that one year the garland on the dining room rail stayed all year because I didn't notice that I had missed it until July and by that time I decided "what the heck"! No sense taking it down now!

How exciting to hear about your shopping spree. I hope you get your necklace. Tell Brianna I hope she's feeling better.

Love you guys!

Donna said...

I got a braclett that was right up there with the necklace.