Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Birthday, Debbie!!

A little late, but Happy Birthday, Debbie!

If you didn't already know, Debbie turned "29" on the 29th.

I wish I was in FL with you!! It's cold and gross here.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Hustle and Bustle of Christmas

Well I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas. We had a really nice Christmas here in Florida. We had 18 people for dinner and everything turned out great.

I do have a funny story to share. You could call it a "Strayer Moment" or a "Strayer Episode" that lasted over a few days!!!! It started when we got back from PA and I was going to keep Addison that Thursday and Friday. My goal while I had her was to take her to get a picture with Santa. Well, Thursday turned out to be extremely busy and we didn't get to go, but I did go to Babies R Us to buy a stroller so that I had it when we went shopping. So on Friday, Jenn came and off we were to take Addison to see Santa. We didn't get to the mall until 4:30 or so, and as you can imagine, the Friday before Christmas, parking was impossible. So we get out of the car and go to pull the stroller out of the box to put Addison in and found it to be in pieces! So there we are in the middle of the parking lot, reading instructions on how to put this thing together, having to tell everyone that stopped to ask "are you leaving" that no, they can't have our parking spot! Well we get into the mall and over to Santa who we find is "on a break" until 5:30pm. Okay, we'll come back. So off to Macy's we go because when I left PA, Donna was gracious enough to share her coupons with me, plus Jenn had money on a gift card. Our goal was to spend $150 to get $35 in savings, and buy the rest with Jenn's gift card. Well, who knew it would be so hard to spend $150! We were in Macy's for about 1 1/2 hours, had to run back to the car to get water for Addison's bottle, had to buy a blanket to prop her up in the stroller that she was too small for, and lost two binkies in the process of spending our $150! And worst of all, Jenn forgot she used most of her gift card and only had about $50 remaining! In the meantime, Angela's upset because we were later than anticipated and she and Jonas had dinner plans that included Addison. We're finally on our way to see Santa at about 6:30pm and at this time I'm carrying Addison who was a litle tired of being in the stroller, but still looked cute in her pretty Christmas dress, when this strange woman approaches me and says "excuse me ma'am, but do you know you're baby is spitting up on you? Well!!!!! Jenn and I look down to see baby puke all down the front of my RED sweater. Well, needless to say, we were laughing sooooo hard that I almost pee'd my pants! So after cleaning up, we were off to see Santa. The line was about a 30 minute wait but as we looked at Santa, he was pretty lame looking. He just sat there like a dummy and didn't even close his mouth. So Jenn and I didn't want Addison taking a picture with this guy....what kind of memory would that be! But I wasn't going to be the one to tell Angela that not only are we late for her dinner plans but we're not coming home with a picture of Addison with Santa! So Jenn did the deed and off we were. The plan was to meet up with Angela in the morning and take Addison to the Milennia Mall which was rumored to have the "Best" Santa. So the next day Jenn and I get to the mall, pull out the stroller and toys and go to pull out the new blanket used to prop up Addison in her new stroller and low and behold we don't have the blanket, which by the way was sitting at home with Addison's cleaned Christmas outfit!!!! Well you can imagine how upset I am as I can't possibly buy another Christmas outfit (she has about 8!) just to take a picture. So we're walking in the mall with a stroller (no baby) when Jenn stops to say Mom.....someone's going to stop us and say "Ma'am, do you know your baby's missing?" Well needless to say we were once again hysterically laughing, with me doubled over when about 8 fireman come out of the mall. One see's me doubled over and rushes over to see if I'm okay. He figured out the problem when he found us laughing hysterically. Shortly later we were in the mall with Angela and Addison and standing in line (1 hour) to get the perfect picture with Santa (less the Christmas outfit).

Hope you enjoyed the story as much as we enjoyed the experience. Below are the pics:

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry, Merry!

Hello, all!! Just wanted to say thank you to all of you for my awesome gifts!! I love them ALL (I am so spoiled...still!).

It's a nice day here at the White house. The human-to-dog ratio is 1:1. Odd. Ten bodies - five humans, five dogs. And three stuffed hedgehogs?

Stevie got a brand new Red Rider BB gun - watch out. Mimosas were flowing, except Katie had to drink Fimosas (fake mimosas). Regardless of her alcohol intake, she takes a nap every Christmas!!

Tata for now....I love you all!!! Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Clarification Post

The picture in the below post is actually a recent picture of Addison. We we out shopping last Saturday and we were at the food court in the mall and I took this picture with my phone. She was too cute in her little Christmas outfit.

Anyway....the long lost picture as stated in the title was actually supposed to be the video of Cliff as Scrooge. Being that Addison's picture was directly under the title post, I can see that it would be confusing!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Long Lost Photo Found!

Sorry for the delay in my response, Val.

But you are correct. We do have an itinerary. I hope you guys can do as much of it with us, as you can!

Here is a photo I found looking through some old pictures...

Click Here

Christmas is coming!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Itinerary

Uncle Dave -

What is the itinerary for when you guys come up? I know AD said you are getting here late Weds night before the party and then leaving on Weds after.

Now - I have some vacation time to use then, but I want to know what your schedule is. I don't want to take off on a day you guys have plans elsewhere.

And don't even pretend you don't have an itinerary - you are Uncle Dave!!!

Fess up.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's Getting Chilly

Cardona's - pack the parkas!
It's getting chilly out.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Happy Birthday Linda!!

We love you and hope you had a great Thanksgiving

Hugs and Kisses

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday

Hi everyone - Wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Also wanted to say Happy Birthday to Linda. Take care, and see you at Christmas.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hello Everyone. Just wanted to say - HAVE A BLESSED DAY!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Elf Yourself!

We decided on taking dance lessons for the holidays and look how far we've come!

Click on the link below.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cleveland Rocks

I went to Cleveland this past weekend. I went to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and to the house A Christmas Story was filmed at. It was so cool!! Not bad for a weekend trip!


Well, as most of you know, Ange and I threw a surprise party for my parent's 50th birthday (Mom in October and Dad in party in November!!). It was a HUGE success! We had around 40 people show up and surprise the heck out of them. They were under the pretense that they were going to meet friends of theirs and had to drop Addison off at my house. When they walked in to a room of friends and family, they were floored.

Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy :) We LOVE you!!

Oh yeah...I also had a collection of around 1050 songs from the seventies playing at the party. I've already made 3 copies for people (The first being my mom) so if anyone would like a copy let me know and I will make it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Have you Heard the News?

Most of you know, but some of you we haven't been able to connect with (Aunt Linda!), but me and Katie are pregnant!!!! WE'RE SO EXCITED! She found out a week before we left for our Florida vacation and we've been slowly spreading the news. We're guessing that the baby is due to join us sometime around July 1st....but we'll wait for our first appointment to start placing bets.
I'm getting a feel for how long 9 months is with a wife that all of a sudden is a little unstable since she can't drink or smoke. This should be REALLY interesting! But we're also happy to say that I'll be quitting smoking also after today. (Grandmom, I know you're happy!!)
That's all for now. We're heading to the airport to go back home. Love you all.
Stevie and Katie

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sad Sad News :(

I'm sure most of you heard about the Writer's Strike in Hollywood, but do you realize the impact this is going to have? The last strike was in '88 and it lasted 22 WEEKS!! That means no more new episodes of our favorite shows!!

Heroes has taped an alternate ending for their December 3rd episode to serve as a Season finale if the strike isn't over. The Office has stopped filming. And the saddest news yet....24 will not air this season. My dad sent me the link today.

I beg of you production companies...give the writers whatever they want!!

I actually found a good video explaining why they are striking.

And Wikipedia has a great article about halfway down the page on which shows will be impacted and how many episodes are left.

Monday, November 5, 2007

So Far for the Christmas Party

OK - this is what has been giving to me so far:

Mom - Mac & Cheese and Pumpkin Pie
Maureen - Beans and Rice
Donna - Shrimp and Primerib

Comment me back and add your contribution to the list. If you are only a stalker and not a blogger, call me.


Saturday, November 3, 2007


Hi Everyone! Do you like my new hat? I can't wait to meet you all at Christmas. I got to meet Aunt Katie and Uncle Stevie today. They're pretty cool.

Love you!

What UP!?

I haven't put much up here lately...but that doesn't mean I don't think about you all every day!!! I'm so cheesy.
Here's a picture of me & our company mascot - Larry the Stag. Not sure if you've ever seen Hartford's logo, but it's this huge deer. So once a year we get this costume from corporate and have someone parade around in it.

No one ever really grows up, do they?

Especially my mom!! Happy 55th birthday, Gin-Gin!! (Remember, it was Halloween). I love my mom - there's no way she's 55. No way!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The 100th Anniversary Program-Issoudun

Hi Everybody,
Here are some photo of the team and participants for our 3-week session to mark the death of our founder Jules Chevalier.
1) Photo n°1 is Fr. Joannès Rozier - our "French connection" technical expert, accountant and historian. With him is Sr. Bernadette who came from our generalate in Rome to help me since Gerardine was still in Australia.
2) Photo n°2 is Fr. Nick Harnan (Irish) our facilitator and Fr. Hans Kwakman whom some of you already know, sitting at the head conference table in our conference room.
3) Photo n°3 is Nick and myself. You'll notice the little country flags that we bought for the occassion. When the flags arrived (from England) they included a flag from Congo that was still the old one (they changed in 2006) so we had to make one and you'll notice it's slightly bigger than the others.
4) Photo n°4 is still Nick and myself. When I wasn't giving the conference my place was at the little desk with the tape recorder as I did the morning prayers and liturgy preparation and we usually had some music for those times.
5) Photo n°5 is of the whole group (72 participants) outside in front of the conference center.
Priests, Brothers, Sisters and Lay Associates from 26 countries and many different languages.
You'll notice the Sister in the front with the cast. She fell and broke her wrist on the first morning of the session so we had to pack her in ice and wisk her to the hospital with everything else happening that first day!
After the three week seminar, 32 of us went on pilgrimage for a week to the East part of France to visit the places associated with our first superior general. At her birthplace in Wissembourg, the town Mayor treated all 32 of us to a beautiful dinner in a classy restaurant and then a free ride on the town sight-seeing train. Alsace is a beautiful region of France and the scenery was magnificant.
Lots of love to all of you. I'll keep you posted as to other exciting happenings in this part of the world.
Much love,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I wanted to introduce you to Cliff's newest Godson. His name is Lochlan Mcloud Kelly. Isn't he cute???



Cliff & I have lived in our house for 14 years. The most trick or treaters that we had were maybe five. This year we had only 3 and they came all together. Well I am so happy that they were able to see my pumpkins. I carve my heart into these pumpkins every year and no one sees them. Tis year we had 3 kids and Mom is here so that makes 4!!! I was so happy that Cliff knew how to take these pictures and that Donna tought me how to upload. Now you can all view my life talent.
And Addison is so cute I can't stand it!!! I just want to hold her! We can't wait till everyone is here for Christmas!!
Love to all of you,

News from PA

Ok Reen - Here is some news. Brianna got her drivers licence on the first try yesterday. She was nervous but held it together and passed with flying colors.

Of course when she came home she took up the whole driveway like she owned it. I'm going to have to teach her the age rule.

Nothing else much going on with us although I am surpised that Cliff hasn't posted anything at all to do with the Eagles. He could have had a hay day with some of the performances lately. He calls me often and just laughs which is ok. He has been very nice about it actually. Go Greenbay! At least my 2nd favorite team is doing well.

Christmas Party is sneeking up on us. Only about 6 weeks to go. Call me to let me know what you are bringing. We are going with the fiesta theme but I will be making something traditional too.

Take care and love to everyone.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Update from the South

Hi Everyone! Hope all is well. I've been looking for some new posts and haven't seen any. Is everything that quiet or are you all so busy you can't find a minute to BLOG?

Okay, well I have some updated Pics from Jenn and Mike's Halloween Party last weekend. Everyone looked great in their costumes (especially Addison!). Dave and I didn't stay long because Addison was tired (and me too...) so we weren't in the group picture. I'm not sure you'd recognize them but Jonas was dressed as the Jamaican and Mike as the Blue Man. There's a few other's that you may recognize (or not). They did a great job on the decorations too.

Tomorrow's Halloween and it's a big day at work. We have an "Octoberfest" luncheon celebration, a costume contest/parade and a pumpkin carving costume. I thought it would be a good idea (morale and all) to have our department participate as a group so I thought of the idea of dressing as a box of crayons. Well......I never expected to have so many people want to participate and we now have 21 crayons! Dave built my "crayon box" for our picture and in order to fit us 8 across and 3 high the "box" is 12 ft. wide! We're still working on it and won't finish until tomorrow morning but it should be good. I'll definitely share the picture with you. It should be a sight.

Well, take care for now.


Monday, October 22, 2007

What's Up?

Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since I've posted but it been a little CRAZY at work. Anyway, last Friday night me, Jennifer and Angela took a trip to Tampa to see the "So you think you can Dance" tour. Actually, since I was working in Jax all last week I actually flew back to Tampa and Jenn and Ange picked me up at the Airport. We had a great time. We all watched the show while it was on so it was fun to see the tour show, even if our favorites didn't win. Jenn was going to post some pics since she was the official photographer......we'll see if you get to see any.

Jenn and Mike have their annual (2nd) Halloween Party this coming weekend. We're still working on figuring out who's going to be what. But we do know there will be a pumpkin carving contest, and lot's of good food. Mike had a little accident on his dirt bike and tore is calf ligiments (or something like that). He's on crutches and will be for about 6 weeks; longer if he doesn't stop trying to put weight on his foot.

Bad news/Good news for Angela. The bad is that she was layed off last week from her CSR position with Terminix. This was tough for her since she has developed some great relationships and friendships with her co-workers there. They were all crushed as well but Terminix outsourced their customer service function and since Angela held this role, she was impacted. On a good note however, when the residential office (she worked in the commercial office) heard that Angela had been displaced they quickly put a justification together to transfer her to their team in Apopka. They have been trying to recruit Angela since she came back from maternity leave but the Commercial division didn't want to give her up and Angela liked her team. But things happen and it worked out in the end. She started her new job today and it went well.

Addison Update! She is still soooooo adorable and hugable! Mom, I had her laughing yesterday in her little jumper. I'm attaching a video for you to see. We've got her costume for Holloween. Instead of Piglet she is going to be Winnie the Pooh's honey pot. It's really adorable and as soon as we have it on her I'll post a pic.

That's all for now. I'll post more after the party this weekend.

Love you all!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Better Than Jello Shots??

Andrea (the wanna-be-Strayer Aunt that I work with) has passed along this recipie for these pudding shots she had at a Halloween party this weekend. She says they are to die for!

Pudding Shots
1 small pkg. INSTANT choc. pudding
3/4 C. milk
1/4 C. Vodka
1/2 C. Irish Cream
8 oz. Extra Creamy Cool Whip

Mix pudding and milk for a couple of minutes with an electric mixer, then add alcohol, mix well. Mix in Cool Whip.
Put into individual serving cups with lids and I furnish plastic spoons. Keep in the freezer.

They sound good to me! She thinks they'd be good in coffee, too. I think my mom would like that too....

I think the Strayer Feliz Navidad Fiesta needs some.....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Back in the Saddle

You may have noticed I have not put up any old school pictures lately - that' s because my computer needed some surgery. I'm happy to say that my genius father has installed a new power source in the back and I'm good to go again!!! Stay tuned for Strayer Picture Pages!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Jennifer

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Jennifer,

Happy Birthday to you.

Love you lots!
Mommy and Daddy

Monday, October 8, 2007

Luau at SeaWorld

We had a great time at the Sea World Luau which we went to for my birthday last Friday. Below are some pics that we took.

She's 49+

That right, Stevie!! Someone else had a birthday last week!!

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Mom's on the BLOG

Hey everyone. I'm getting a BLOG lesson today from Maureen. Hopefully when I get home I'll remember all of this and will be able to post messages to everyone. Having a great time in Florida and am enjoying my great grandbaby! She is sooooo beautiful. She's certainly my pal since I've seen her everyday since I've been here. She stayed with Maureen and me all week and on the weekend!