Monday, June 11, 2007

To Know Us Is To Love Us


This is obviously why his name is Angel - he looks like a stud sent from heaven....

Dayna obviously started the Grunge look of the 90's way before the 90's rolled around. Such a trend setter. In case you wondered, that is tiny little Stevie with his butt to us.

"I didn't do it!" - UQ up to no good??

You can just FEEL the attitude on Jen in this one. Looks like she's going to kick someone's tail!!

Grandpop - at my christening. Obviously being four months old I don't remember it, but I like to think I do....

Hope you enjoyed the show!!!


Steve White said...

I love today's picture show!!! I think I might have to start playing....And I do have to say that Dana Rocks!

Maureen said...

I loved the show!! You've got some great pictures that I've never even seen!

Donna said...

Great show!!! Keep them coming.