Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sharing some Cancun Pic!

Mike and Maddox in the Watch Tower

Mike, Jenn and Mike - checking the temp

Dave, Eric (our nephew) and Angela, heading into Explor -

Dave on the ZipLine

And in his vehicle -

Eric and Ange

Dave and Ange - swimming through the caves

Little pic, but cute - Addison (Taken from Angela's phone!)

Angela on her fishing trip

Angela and Valerie on the fishing boat

Spiderman paid a visit at the restaurant! Addison was thrilled, but not so much Maddox!

Mike caught a game of Volleyball on the beach

A visit from the monkey

Addison buried in the sand

Katie Brayden and Steve in the pool 0 Hey - who's got Stevie???

Oh - there he is! With Aunt Valerie and Addision

Angela and Addison

Jess with Sr. Frogs

The Cardona Crew

Mike and Maddox

Aunt Valerie and Brayden

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wonderful photos. For some reason i just thought Cancun trip was just the luxury liner trio and a beach at the end of it. I didn't remember it had such fun places to visit. Glad to be back onto the blog as I had lost the address for awhile.

PS - Spiderman is my hero too Addison!