Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moi, just moi!

Hi Everybody,

These are two photos from our most recent session in Issoudun. In the group photo we have Koreans (9), Congolese (2), Brazilian (1), Australian (4), French (2), Dutch (1), Kiribati (1), German (1), Italian (2), and American (1 - moi) - a real United Nations. The second photo was taken during the cultural evening when everyone got dressed up. I'm wearing an African dress given to me by the Sisters of Cameroun when we were in South African doing a program there last.

I posted photos last night as well on the group trip to Ars, in France - the parish of Saint Johan Vianney - the famous Cure of Ars. Unfortunately I did something to make a bit long blank space before you grt to the bottom aftet the last photo. Sorry, keep on scrolling down and you'll get the to the end eventually.

Much love and miss you all,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some photos from Ars, France

Guest house in Ars, run by the Providence Sisters, where our group was housed for an overnight visit.

Life size statue of Saint John Vianney

New basilica of Saint John Vianney in Ars.

Little bedroom of Saint John Vianney before he died.

Waxed body of Saint John Vianney in the chapel at Ars.

Hi Everybody,

These are photos from Ars in France where are group recently went to visit. Ars is a little country town that was the parish of Saint John Vianey - the famous Cure of Ars. He lived in the second part of the 18th century and was visited by many thousands of people, including our founder, Jules Chevalier, because of his great holiness. At the time of his death, in fact, he was making a novena (nine days of prayer) for the success of our congregation.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sharing some Cancun Pic!

Mike and Maddox in the Watch Tower

Mike, Jenn and Mike - checking the temp

Dave, Eric (our nephew) and Angela, heading into Explor -

Dave on the ZipLine

And in his vehicle -

Eric and Ange

Dave and Ange - swimming through the caves

Little pic, but cute - Addison (Taken from Angela's phone!)

Angela on her fishing trip

Angela and Valerie on the fishing boat

Spiderman paid a visit at the restaurant! Addison was thrilled, but not so much Maddox!

Mike caught a game of Volleyball on the beach

A visit from the monkey

Addison buried in the sand

Katie Brayden and Steve in the pool 0 Hey - who's got Stevie???

Oh - there he is! With Aunt Valerie and Addision

Angela and Addison

Jess with Sr. Frogs

The Cardona Crew

Mike and Maddox

Aunt Valerie and Brayden

Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Bri, take a knee..."


82 can keep movin, cuz Grandmom ain't waiting up for it!

We had a nice birthday lunch at Red Lobster. Service was horrible, but the laughter was good of course. Everyone get ready for AD's invite to the Spring 2011 Washington DC day. It will be a Thursday & kids get to miss school since it's "educational". Paul will take notes & do a report for his teachers.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


It just hit me..................we were all in PA the Christmas and didn't get a new family picture!. UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! What were we thinking? Okay, next year we'll take on and crop Linda in......

Friday, February 11, 2011

Maddox Gets Tubes in his Ears


After months of trying different antibiotics that didn't work, they decided that it was time to put tubes in Maddox's ears. He went on Monday of this week and is doing great now.