Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas


Donna said...

These pictures are so good. Love them. Merry Christmas to you too!

Valerie said...

Maddox has my brother's hair line!!!!

mare2 said...

Mom and I are just siing these now. Mom says Maddox has his Great GrandDad Strayer's hairline which Stevie inherited. Beautiful child.

Linda and Grandmom

mare2 said...

Boy are we fouled up. We are trying to make comments on the bolg - got Maryellen's automatic sign-in and made the wrong comment for the wrong child - so sorry. Also, have trouble with this American keyboard and can't spell right.


mare2 said...

Who is the Santa? Maddox is too cute.

Great Grandmom Strayer and Aunt Linda