Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this year. There's so much to be thankful for. I wish I could have shared mine with all of you, but we had a wonderful day at Dave's parents. The weather was great, although a little too hot.......but we got to spend our day outside. Here are some pictures. Hope to hear from some of you and see some of your pics as well.
Maddox LOVED the sweet potatos!

Addison looked to sweet in her shades!

And then there was the game of Cornhole! It was a first for me but I liked it!

And then Maddox had to try on his new Christmas outfit that G-mama bought for him.

Love you all!



mare2 said...

I think we have a couple of Movie Stars on our hands...:) Reen Mom wants real pics for her book.

GINI said...

ummmm....Maddox is an extremely neat eater....I don't see one bit of sweet potato on him ANYWHERE!!!!

Addison, you are just adorable.

The rest of you are cute too.

Love you guys.

Jennifer said...

He is a neat eater...because I don't let him touch the spoon! I'm not giving him a bath everytime I feed him ;)

mare2 said...

Cornhole heh! Must be a Florida thing! Sounds like it should be coming from Tennessee. Photos are great.

Lots of love,
Mom and Linda