Saturday, September 18, 2010

Addison's First Soccer Game

Addison had her first soccer game today. What a riot watching a bunch of three year olds play soccer. Just keeping them on the same side of the field, or on the field at all in Addison's case, is quite the challenge! Well, of course she looked addorable in her little cleats and shin guards. But in true Stayer fashion, five minutes into the game and Addison had to go potty! When she came back and went into the game, a little boy knocked her down. That pretty much sealed the deal for her for not playing the rest of the game. She did go in for one more round when the coach bribed her with gummies. We'll try this again next week........................

Addison trying out her new cleats and shin guards.

This picture is from practice.....she can kick the ball pretty good!

And Maddox is just so darn cute I have to throw this picture in!!! This is him just vegging out in Bob and Lisa's pool.


Linda said...

I'm with Addison. No soccer rough and tumble for me. She does look like she can kick pretty good though and Maddax looks so cute in the pool too.

Valerie said...

I don't understand the bathroom thing. I must have been blessed with my Dad's bladder. Soccer is lame - she wants to play softball, I just know it!!!! Please send her to PA for a few years and I will have her on the 2020 Olympic softball team!

Donna said...

She will be a champ before you know it. Fun stuff. Maddax looks quite quite floating around in the pool. Too funny

GINI said...

These kids are so cute!!! Keep the pictures coming. Just love em.