Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Retreat In Ireland

Hi Everyone,

Here are some photos from my retreat in Co. Tipperary, Ireland. A beautiful experience and a welcome rest after working hard first at our Issoudun program all of July and then our Provncial Chapter the first week of August. The small wooden houses are private hermatiges where some retreatants chose to live (I did not - I lived in the main house). Also the big prayer circle is called a labyrinth where one can walk around its paths slowly in order to reach one's inner self and commune in silence with God.
Lots of love,


Donna said...

Wow it looks really pretty there. Glad you had the chance to get away. Will see you in December.

GINI said...

thanks for the pictures Linda, they are even calming to look at so being there must been wonderful for you. can't wait to see you. Love, Gini