Friday, April 23, 2010

New Pics from Easter

Here are updated pictures of Addison and Maddox. Aren't they just too cute!!

We had Dave's youngest brother's birthday on Easter and Jenn made his cake (with help from Ange on the decorating. The bottom layer was all RICE KRISPIE TREAT!!! Yummmmm. Angela made the little old man sitting on the cake. Too cute!


Donna said...

Love the pictures. Very cute. The cake looks fabulous. Great job on the decorating. 50 isn't so bad!!

Kathy said...

Just saw the easter pictures. They are Sooooooo cute!!!!
Hope you send me a few copies for my book.
Couldn't believe the cake. What a decoration job.
Thank you, love everyone, G Mom

Thanks for the pics. Madox is so cute and Addison is beautiful!!!

Steve White said...

I love the picture of Addison smelling the flower....that is so cute!!!

Maddox is adorable, he has such beautiful eyes!!

Miss you guys, Katie.