Saturday, March 27, 2010

Picture Time

Hey Everyone,

I know I havent been updating the blog with pictures lately, but here are some. I will say it does get a little crazy when you have two, I am sure Debbie understands. Everyone is doing so good and the kids are getting so big. I will try to get more pictures posted, but this is it for now. We did confirm a date for the Christening and it will be April 25, 2010. We are figuring out where we are having the after party now and should be sending ut invitations this week. Love you all and talk to you soon.


Donna said...

These are great pictures. Thank you for sharing. Keep them coming.

Linda said...

Fantastic ,,,,,,,,Really!

Much love,
Aunt Linda

Kathy said...

G mom says:
I was sooooo happy to see the beautiful pictures of your handsome boys!!!!!! Great news about the Christening. Hope to see you soon!!!!! Love you all.

Thanks for sharing the pics even though I fully unsterand how hard it is to take even a minute to put them up! See you soon. Love to all.

mare2 said...

So cute... You sure know their brothers... Hugs and Kisses

Aunt Mare