Sunday, February 28, 2010

Come to our Party!!!

We are turning 1 year old

Can you come to our party please?

Mommy and daddy said to come to our house at 2:00 on Saturday, March 20th for food and fun. Also, watch us blow out our candles and enjoy cake and ice cream with us. If you have questions, call Grandma and Grandpa 732-928-0131.


Maureen said...

They are SOOOOOOOO Cute! Of course I'll be there (and Dave, Ange, Addision too....)

Linda said...

Wow, a year already ..... this is a great photo and the girls are beautiful. Wish I could be there.
Aunt Linda

mare2 said...

Oh my goodness... 1 year already.
You have your hands full don't you?
They are so cute Debs... Give them both hugs and kisses.

Aunt Mare

Donna said...

Happy birthday!!! Wish I could be there to get the best hugs ever from you two.