Saturday, January 23, 2010

Travelling Missionary

Hi Everybody,

This is to let you know that I'll be making the world rounds beginning Feb. 2nd until March 6th.

Feb and March I'll be in Papua New Guinea giving a session on Leadership and the Vows with our team to Sisters, Fathers and Brothers. In April I'll be on holiday by the sea in Australia. At the end of April (25 - May 6th) I'll be in Japan giving another session to two communities of sisters there on Religious and Community Life. I have no idea what e-mail access will be like but I'll try to add some photos to the blog whenever possible.

Here is a photo of myself taken today after a haircut. I took three shots but this is the one that shows the LEAST number of age spots.

Much love,



Dayna said...

Hi Aunt Linda!!!
wow - that sounds like alot of traveling. Be safe and enjoy.


Maureen said...

That's awesome! I hear that Japan is beautiful. And your picture is beatiful too...thanks for sharing.

Love you and safe travels,


Donna said...

Wow Japan - Take lots of pictures. Take care on your travels. Your new dew looks great.

Maureen said...

Mom says you need a picture with a smile! And who can see age spots.....she loves your FACE!

mare2 said...

Ok - is there any way you can pick
me up and take me with you???....

Have a safe and wonderful trip.

Lots of Hugs and Kisses,