Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Pictures

Well, as much as I'd love to share great pictures of Addison with everyone, it's a rare opportunity to get one and I just wasn't successful over the holidays. But I did get a great picture of her version of "say cheese."! We're trying to think of something else for her to say.....any ideas?

Here are some other pictures of the family on Christmas Eve at Dave's parent's house..
Update on Jenn.......2 cm dialated and 70% effaced! Doc says this week or next!

Below we're play LRC (Left, Right, Center). I don't know if you have played this yet but it's a great, fast paced game. We play with quarters and the winner get's the pot. Maybe we can play in June when we're all there for Q and Jess's wedding.

The night's greatest story......Mike wanted a snuggie and there was one in the gift exchange. However, rather than "steeling" the snuggie from someone else he chose to steel the scratch off lottery tickets. When he stole the tickets they were "frozen" since they had been exchanged a third time. Low and behold, Elba had an extra Snuggie stored away and brought it out for Mike. Then we finish with the gift exchange and Mike and Jenn begin to scratch off their tickets and they won $1000.00! Can you believe it!!!......A snuggie and $1ooo!!! What more is there?? Anyway, it was Angela that actually brought the tickets as a gift. She was pretty excited for them (even though the tickets were first stolen from her!).


Linda said...

Do you mean they really won $1000 or was it just fake money like in monopoly? Anyway, congratulations and great pics.


Maureen said...

Nope.....real money!!!