Monday, January 11, 2010

Absolute Perfection

Strayer our newest member: Maddox Michael Brown!!!

He was born on Sat, Jan 9, 2010 @ 4:15pm. He weighed 6lbs even and was 19" long.


GINI said...

He's beautiful!!! What a sweet little man. Congratulations!!

Dayna said...

Congrats Jen & Mike - he is beautiful

Donna said...

So cute - I will get to meet him in Feb. See you then and congratulations!!!!!

Linda said...

Great hat (hand knitted?) and I love those beautiful eyes.

mare2 said...

Jen & Mike,

He is so cute... Love those eyes too...

Maureen said...

The hat was hand knitted by a volunteer at the hospital. It is too cute!