Sunday, December 27, 2009

A LITTLE Christmas from Issoudun

Nick (kneeling), Joannès and Gerardine

Linda, Gerardine and Nick

Here is our little Christmas tree. The modern photo under it of the Annunciation was given to us by the Carmelite Sisters in Bourges. Its actually a photo of a sculpture done by a local artist.

How do you like the big knife that Nick chose to cut the little plum pudding. He looks like he's about to kill something while Joannès, being a Frenchman, isn't too impressed with the Irish pudding.

Hi everyone,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Cor Novum Community gave me a digital camera for Christmas so I'm trying it out. We saved Nick's plum pudding for today (Sunday) because we were all stuffed on Christmas and its Joannès feast day today. Here are some photos from our little get together today. Hans in in Rome so he missed out. PS - The plum pudding was good (an old Irish tradition). Love you lots, Linda


Dayna said...

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year Aunt Linda!! Thanks for the pictures. Love and miss you.


Maureen said...

I'm so glad you got a camera for Christmas. I'll expect lot's of pictures! The plum pudding sounds interesting.........