Sunday, September 20, 2009

Greetings from Rome

Hi Everybody,
Greetings from beautiful Rome! I am here attending our General Conference with 35 other sisters from all over the world. At times I am the secretary but mosty they have asked me to join one of the working groups for the revision of our constitutions. Lots of work!! Anyway, its great to be in the midst of all these congregational leaders and gives me hope for the future.
We have a general audience with the Pope on Wednesday.
Lots of love,


Jennifer said...

I'm so jealous!! It looks beautiful :)

Donna said...

Hey Linda - Good to hear from you and wow what an experience. I hope they give you time to enjoy some of the sights. Take care and love you lots.

Maureen said...

That sounds great! The pictures are beautiful.... It must be exiting to have an audience with the Pope. Love you lots!

mare2 said...

Beautiful Pics Lin. Wish I could have gone. Lots of Love, Mare