Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brayden William White

Hey everyone,

Well, Katie and Brayden were able to come home on Friday of last week and we have been trying to get adjusted to everything so it has been a little hectic around the house. I wanted to let you know everything went perfect at the hospital and everything is going great here at home. Brayden was born August 26, 2009 at 5:07om. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 14oz. and was 21.5 inches long. Stevie V is getting to love his little brother already. He is constintly giving him kisses and "petting" him saying, "ahhhahhh". The two boys look nothing alike when it comes to their hair and eyes. Bubbers with blond hair and blue eyes and Brayden with black hair and very dark eyes. We will have to see what happens in a about six months when the new hair is coming in. Well, here are some pitures for everyone to see and I will talk to everyone soon.


Donna said...

Wow - He is a cutie. I can't wait to meet him. Sadly, I had the flu when he was born but I'm all better now and will get to meet him soon. Love the pictures - Thanks

Kathy said...

Thanks for the update and great pics Stevie!!!!!!! Brayden is so cute!!!!!!! We're hoping to see him and big brother Stevie again real soon!

Linda said...

Hi Katie and Stevie,
These are great photos. Can you send me one on my e-mail so that it will come out large and I can hang it up on my cubbord?

Merci and congratulations,
Aunt Linda

Maureen said...

Love him!

Steve White said...

Aunt Linda, What is your email??? If you want to send something to me and I will reply. stevewhiteiv@comcast.net Love you.

Donna said...

I got over there last night and boy what a cutie. He was asleep the whole time except for about 2 minutes at which time I immediately picked him up. Bubbers is as cute as ever and was playing up a storm. These two will be keeping you guys quite busy.

mare2 said...

So Cute!! He looks like his PopPop!!