Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Brianna!!!

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Banana. She turned 18 today.......yikes....that means......I'm pretty old myself. Have a great one Brianna and Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Somebody's Birthday Today!!!


I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world. I hope you have a great time today and I cant wait to go out to lunch with you today! I love you very much and I hope you enjoy your 29th Birthday again!

Monday, April 20, 2009

You can't fix stupid!

Thought you might need a laugh.....

What goes around comes around!

Did we elect these people?

Civil War planes?
Let me know how that works out.

I'm saying GREAT paint job!

'We had no idea anyone was buried there.'

I didn't know we could choose.

This one says it all.

What are the odds?

I would have guessed 19.

Please, anyone, if you've seen this man . . .

Ok, that's just mean.
And to think......They live among us!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Twins

You can look but don't touch my sisters ok?

We could've stayed right there forever!!!

Were kinda tired!!!!!!!!!
How happy is Debbie??????
Life is good!!!!!!!
Happy Easter
I love my daddy!!!!
Mommy feels so right!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Here a few pictures from yesterday. We had an Easter Egg Hunt for Addison. She absolutely loved it. Everytime she found one she would put it in her basket, then say "MORE, MORE". She got scared of the last egg cause there was a little bug on it. I shoo'd it away but it did't matter. According to her the egg was tainted and no good.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

MS Walk Reminder

Hey Everyone,

I am walking this year in a annual MS walk at North Penn High School. Katie's family has done this in the past because Katie's Mom has had MS for about 20 to 25 years or so. I am trying to get sponsorship from anyone and everyone to support the walk. I am treating this like a competition to raise the most amount of money. Please click on the link I have provided if you would like to make a secure donation online. Thank you very much for your support and please spread the word to help out as much as you can. Thank you and I will talk to everyone later.

Steve White

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Just so you all know - I have been spelling my niece's name wrong
its Emmily with 2 m's. I am mortified that I didn't know and am sorry
to all I have given the wrong spelling to. Yours remorsefully, Dayna

Somewhat Recent Pics of the Twins!!

OK - I have apparently been lax in my duties as a new aunt by not getting recent pictures of Kaitlyn and Emily on the blog, but in my defense I have been a little busy, and keep forgetting my camera. Emily is on the left and Kaitlyn is on the right - these were taken 2 days ago - again with the forgetting my camera thing, I think I need to tie it around my neck or something. Anyway - for those of us who don't read the post comments Kaitlyn has gained 7 ozs and now weighs 5lbs9ozs, Emily has gained 10ozs and now weighs 4lbs13ozs. And in case anyone is wondering, I am completely in love with my beautiful nieces!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Update on the Twins

I thought I'd share some updated pictures of the twins. They're from last week so they're old already, but more updated than what you've seen so far. I'll get some updated ones this weekend

Mom with her new babies.....Aren't they adorable!

You've gotta love the leopard blanket.... You know that's a mom thing.

Here's Mom Mom with Emmily. (I think!)

And here's Kaitlyn (or is that Emmily! Oh.....I'm so confused!)

I'm going with Kaitlyn ( I think that's who I had on this night)

And I know that this one's Emily.....

Here's Papa Cliff with......................Emily????


Oh! I'm so embarrassed!!! Yes, I have my diaper on under this thing and it's a newborn size! I'm working on putting a little meat on my bones!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

MS Walk

Hey Everyone,

I am walking this year in a annual MS walk at North Penn High School. Katie's family has done this in the past because Katie's Mom has had MS for about 20 to 25 years or so. I am trying to get sponsorship from anyone and everyone to support the walk. I am treating this like a competition to raise the most amount of money. Please click on the link I have provided if you would like to make a secure donation online. Thank you very much for your support and please spread the word to help out as much as you can. Thank you and I will talk to everyone later.


Steve White