Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well we've been back for a few weeks but I'm finally getting around to posting our 30th anniversary trip to Cancun. We had a great time!!!! Cancun is the one place that I can say when we're flying back home I'm planning our next trip. For those of you that haven't taken advantage of Donna and Quentin's Palace Resort vacation deal, you're really missing out!! The weather was a little cool (70's) so we didn't go in the water (except on the speed boats which were a blast!).

Here's some pics:

They delivered an Anniversay Cake to our room on our first night there, which was great. However, we were sound asleep when they came knocking on the door. I guess they don't have too many people sleeping at 11pm but we were exhausted on our first day there.

Here's Dave....the monkey in the tree!

Oh yeah!! Just kidding on climbing that tree!

This is one of the swim up bars at the resort. Who is that crazy guy in the water???....TOO COLD!

Wow! They did say all inclusive......But I thought they'd have cans or bottles!

We had a great time on the speed boats.

You just have to love these helmets we wore on the ATV's! They were a lot of fun too.


Donna said...

Hey Reen - Am so glad you had a great time. The picture of Dave in the tree was really impressive and got me hook line and sinker because I was thinking man he is older than me and I could never get up a tree like that. I was even thinking he could do survivor.

Linda said...

Looks like you had a great time. Yes, the tree climb was a real corker. Bye the way - congratulations on 30 years of marriage. What a great achievement!