Thursday, August 21, 2008

Patio Pictures

Here are some shots of the patio. It isn't totally finished as Quentin is in the process of building the kitchen and we need to do a few little cosmetic finishes with it. We are enjoying it immensely. Last pic is of Mason being a bad puppy. He likes going in the pond. I came up with a compromise and now fill a tub of water next to the pond that he can play in. Thats it for now. I will post more later.


Susannah said...

aw, your dog is so cute! I have a malamute who loves to swim to keep cool, so we keep a little kiddie pool for him all summer. :)

Maureen said...

The patio is awesome! I can't wait to see it in person. I know you are absolutely loving it. I can't believe how big Mason is getting.

Take care, and keep the pics coming. We never get tired of seeing them.

Love you all!

Donna said...

Who is Susannah? And where is your picture of your malamute?

Maureen said...

Not sure who Susannah is. I think she's a visitor to our Blog (not related).

Steve White said...

If I wasnt a member of our family, I would viwe our blog everyday too!!!! By the way, I love the Patio from AD, the pictures from Grand Canyon and the pictures of the new pup down in Florida!!!!

I will be posting some updated pictures of the baby tomorrow and I apoloigize for the delay....It's tough finding time with the little one.

I love you all and talk to you soon.