Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nothing but Smiles

It took a little while but the newest grandmom eventually let go and gave
Aunt Kathy a chance to hold Little Stevie.
Little Stevie is now 2 months old......hard to believe. He is smiling like crazy. We go to the doctor tomorrow for his 2 month checkup and shots, poor baby. He is now 11 1/2 lbs and sleeping great. He sleeps through the night anywhere from 6-9 hours, so Stevie and I feel pretty lucky.
Sorry you couldn't be here Uncle Cliff, we missed you!!!!!!!


Donna said...

Great Pic's. Thanks

Dayna said...

Excellent pics!!! I can't believe he's 2 months old already. What a cutie pie!!!

Linda said...

Thanks for the pictures Stevie. This is the first time I've been able to see the blog since arriving in South Africa. It is really great to be able to keep in touch like this. I'll add to the blog soon!!!

Aunt Linda