Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mr. Mojo

Hi everyone. Keith and I are finally settling down from the move and I figured I would post some pics of the new puppy (Mojo). I will get pics of the house soon and post them too. Hugs and Kisses to all!

Keith & Debbie


Donna said...

Congrats on you new puppy and your new home. Best of luck to you guys.

Linda said...

It looks like the cronicle of a dog's life from rising to bedtime. The dog looks cute but I've never seen Keith and a photo of yourself would also be good for those of us far away.

Much love,
Aunt Linda

Maureen said...

How cool is that....A new home and new dog together. And I'm so excited that you get to blog now! I hope you and Keith enjoy them both. Can't wait to see you guys again.

Love Ya!

d_lord said...

i love the dog hey im going 2 call u later love ya David & Chirstina