Saturday, August 23, 2008

My First Blog

Hey everyone, its David, just got and invite and so I'm here lol. Well we moved to Peoria,Illinois and were liking it so far, a lots happened. remember we lived on our own for about a year in Florida then we moved back to my fathers house, we left the apartments 2 months before the lease was up so we knew would have 2 pay about 1200 because our rent was 610 a month so we left. 2 weeks before we move a credit company calls us and says we owe 2549, ....what? that's what i said, anyway we left 4 Illinois and the truck breaks down 49 miles in GA and were stuck there four 8 1/2 hrs. her grandmother gets us a Uhaul so were finally on the way. We get here and we find out that Christina had a miscarrage witch really hurt both of us, her even more. Well i started school of culinary arts and i have a new job so dose Christina, and we got that debt payed off and were doing really good!!

Love David &Christina


Maureen said...

Hi David and Christina. It's great to hear from you. I was so sorry to hear about the baby, but am glad to hear that things are beginning to look up for the both of you. We wish you both the best in Illinois and look forward to hearing from you via the BLOG to keep us posted. Good luck with Culinary School.

Love you!

mare2 said...

Hi David - It's Aunt Mare,

Sorry to hear about the baby.
Wishing you all life has to offer and good things always.

Aunt Mare

Valerie said...

David - listen, little second cousin....I want you to be happy with life. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes it doesn't. Make sure you share both times with us. We're your family & we love you - no matter what.

Money, kids, relationships, work, real estate ---- they are all just pieces. Don't decide your entire life on just one piece. Promise me!

We love you, buddy. Peace, love, happiness...and if not - Just call!

Good luck - I love ya.

Donna said...

Its wonderful to hear from you. Everything seemed to happen so fast for you and Christina. I am glad everything is working out and wish you the best of luck in Illinois. Take care and keep us posted.