Sunday, August 3, 2008

Addition to blog below

Well, maybe because the photo was so big it didn't have any more place foer the words below, so I'll put the commentary to the photo below in this post. This is a photo of our current session in Issoudun. We have four language groups (English, Korean, Portuguese and French) so its been fun trying to communicate. We use a lot of hand gestures outside of the formal session time where thankfully, we have very good translators. We finish this 30 day sesion on the 9th of August and then on the 19th its onward to South Africa for four months for two six-week sessions there. They've promised us internet access and our own "wheels" so things are looking up from our experience of the Congo last year (no internet and no roads even if we did have wheels).

I'm doing fine and have talked to Maureen and Dave and seen Addison on the WebCam twice already and hope to see Mom tonight if Donna has her Skype and WebCam working by now. So, the rest of you get going. If I can do it, you all can.

Lots of love and keep the baby pictures coming. I love to see all the family news, even reading about 6 foot fishtanks in Jennifer and Michael's house. That's a lot of fish to feed! Miss you all.


Dayna said...

Thanks for the update Aunt Linda!!
It's wonderful to here how and what you're doing.

Much Love,

Maureen said...

I love the picture.