Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where Oh Where Are You Tonight???? we get all these web cams and do I see anyone??? NO......(except my father-in-law who lives down the street!). Can't wait until you guys get them set up. They're actually pretty cool.


Linda said...

OK. Mine is installed. I'm hoping to try tonight (Sunday- my time 5pm - your time 10am.) Thanks so much for the Webcam and I just hope I can get it to work.

Much love,

Linda said...

Heh, I tried calling you at 10am your time on Sunday morning but no answer. I'll try again another time. We are just beginning a month long session so its going to be a busy time. Love you much .

Donna said...

I still didn't get my mike. Will get one hopefully tomorrow. Sorry I am taking so long.

Kathy said...

I thought I had a mike but I can't find it!!
I'll pick one up this week. I really can't wait to use it!!!