Friday, July 4, 2008

Stephen White V

Little Five is here!!!!

I love him so much...I think Stevie & Katie might, too!! We were at the hospital ALL DAY today, and as we were leaving, we (me, Brianna & Chelsea) got off the elevator on the first floor. Just as we did, the other elevator closed, and as Brianna looked into it she says, "oh, that was my Aunt Kathy!" So we jumped back in the elevator and went & hugged Aunt Kathy (GREAT AUNT KATHY!) and Great Uncle Cliff!!!!! I love this family!!!!

I love anyone that reads this post. Our family RULES.


Dayna said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!!! I so wish I could have been there with my mom and Cliff to have seen him in person. Super Huge Congratulations to Stevie & Katie!

Love you guys

Maureen said...

He is so adorable! His eyes are wide open! I know that you have got to be thrilled with your new nephew. We all love you too!

I wish I could be there to see him now but I'll see him at Christmas. Can't wait to see you all again.

Love you!
Aunt Reen