Saturday, March 8, 2008


Ok - I am tired of the cold rain. We have another weekend of it. I can't wait for spring and hope it is a nice one. I am ready for the leaves back on the trees. At least it could do is snow. At least it is prettier.

Well nothing much going on around here. Stevie is working double time on his second floor getting ready for the little buck a roo. Little Q was over helping last weekend and put his leg through their ceiling (fell off the beam). He didn't get hurt but now we call him grizz (Christmas Vacation - if you haven't seen it you should).

I have given in to Brianna's plea for getting a puppy. I know I am crazy but she has been begging for 3 years now and I think she is ready to take it on. I think we have settled on a Siberian Husky. She cannot get it until school is out so that she can be home with it and start the training process immediately. Buster should be fine with it as he is very gentle with every puppy that has come to visit. Hopefully the dog will have busters disposition and be the second most lazy dog in the world.

Well that's all I got. Take care and post everyone.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Donna,

I can't believe that Q put his leg through the ceiling. Thank God he wasn't hurt (nor anyone under him).

Good luck with the new puppy. I'm afraid he won't be lazy, at least fo the first 15 years, and think of the new life it will give to Buster! You'll get a star in heaven for this.

Have sent you a box of old postcards (by boat) that will be arriving in a few weeks. I thought maybe you coud sell them on e-bay. Some are from the 60's from a lady here who died and left all her worldly goods to the MSC's.

Have a great easter.
Lots of Love,