Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Guitar Hero

Hopefully you know the game "Guitar Hero". If you don't - you will not enjoy this post.

Brianna is my Guitar Hero. You seriously, seriously need to see her shred. It's unfathomable. I mean, considering how fast her brain processes what she sees and translates it to her hands is AMAZING. It scares me. I think she's capable of....anything.

This is her just chillaxin, playing on EXPERT. If you have never seen someone play guitar hero, I'm totally including a You Tube video of one of the hardest songs on expert. That's pretty much like watching Brianna play.

I just tried to add the video from You Tube. I can't tell if it will show up eventually or not. Oh well?

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Brianna is awesome!