Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Funny Story

Well.....I figured I'd share a funny story that Angela reminded us of the other day. Two years ago (or about that), the six of us went to Colorado. Yes, this would be the same trip where Jenn took her nose dive into the the snow bank! We had been skiing all day and were really tired by the time we got back to the house that we had rented. We figured we'd order pizza rather than making anything for dinner. It was 5 minutes before 9pm and we called the local pizza place. It was advertized as the "Nick and Willy's World Famous Pizza". Odd name we thought but okay. When we called to order two large pizzas, they said, well....we close in 5 minutes but if you can make it quick we'll wait for you. So, Dave and Angela took off down the moutain to pick up the pizza. Angela waited in the car while Dave went inside. They asked if he was there to pick up the two large pizza's and when he said yes they proceeded to open the freezer door. Dave thought that was odd but when they actually handed him two frozen pizzas he was flabergasted!!!! He said "are you serious?" They didn't understand the problem and went on to say we also qualified for free dessert. So off they went again to the freezer and pulled out frozen cinnamon dough. Well, he knew we were hungry and there wasn't anywhere else to go, so he paid the bill and went to the car. He handed the pizzas to Angela who expected to feel the heat of the pizza on her lap. When she got that puzzled look on her face, Dave went on to share the story of what happened inside the pizza place. By the time they got back up the mountain and into the house, Angela could hardly stand up straight from laughing so hard. All she could say was "we need to pre-heat up the oven." Then they proceeded to show us our pizza. We'll we laughed for a long time and had to take a picture of the "World Famous TAKE AND BAKE Pizza" After all the trouble, the pizza and dessert did taste good. But what a laugh....And Angela is still laughing.


Valerie said...

That was REALLY funny. I can picture the whole thing....

Donna said...

Good story Reen. Very funny and thanks for the picture of all of you. Yes Valerie, I copied it.

mare2 said...

Great Story - I lauged all the way through!!!