Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Angela's Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Well we finally made it! For Angela's 25th birthday Dave and I were treating her to a deep sea fishing trip. We wanted to make it a weekend trip and had a hard time finding the right weekend. Either Ange was working, we had other plans, Mike and Jenn had other plans or it was Bike Week! So last weekend was the weekend. Mike and Jonas didn't get to go but we had a good time anyway. We got to the Daytona Hilton Saturday afternoon. Even though I let them know that we'd be checking in early (around noon) our room wasn't ready until 4pm. That put a little damper on things as we couldn't change to go to the pool or beach. But we hung around the hotel, sat by the pool and walked the poor excuse of a "boardwalk" that Daytona claims to have. It was pretty pitiful! But dinner was good (Outback) and we learned to play Bunco that night. On Saturday morning Dave, Jenn and Angela headed for the fishing boat. Addison and me slept in! I actually had to wake her up about 9:45 so we didn't miss breakfast. They only served breakfast until 11am. After breakfast Addison enjoyed a little trip to to pool. She only got her feet wet because I wasn't going in because the water was WAY to cold. But she looked great in her new bathing suit! Jenn, Ange and Dave had a great time on the boat. Jenn was a little upset about the shark brains splattering on her new Victoria Secret top; but she survived it. She caught an 18 1/2 inch Red Snapper but it had to be 20 inches to keep. Ange caught two and Dave's got away. All in all it was alot of fun. In May they have Shark fishing at night. That should be interesting.......


Donna said...

That looks like it was fun. Was it the first time they did this?

I went deep sea bluefishing one time about 20 years or so ago (maybe 25). I think it was the worst night of my life. I was slapped in the face with somebodys catch when they realed it in, I was slipping and slidding on more guts then one can imagine. Between the fumes of the engine and the smell of the fish bait it had to be the grossest thing I ever did plus I wouldn't use their bathroom no matter what and it was a 5 hour trip.

I did learn never ever look straight down at the water when your on a boat in the ocean at night with a bunch of drunkards trying to catch a bluefish. And that yes, one could sleep standing up (Quentin).

I can't remember if we caught any fish or not. Needless to say, I have never gone again.

I am glad you guys had a good time and Reen I would have been with you and Addison.

mare2 said...

That looks like a lot of fun.
Hope you all had a great time:):)