Monday, December 3, 2007

The Itinerary

Uncle Dave -

What is the itinerary for when you guys come up? I know AD said you are getting here late Weds night before the party and then leaving on Weds after.

Now - I have some vacation time to use then, but I want to know what your schedule is. I don't want to take off on a day you guys have plans elsewhere.

And don't even pretend you don't have an itinerary - you are Uncle Dave!!!

Fess up.


Jennifer said...

You know his sooooo well. We sat down and made an itinerary this weekend ;)

Donna said...

Looks like Jennifer is a lot like her Dad.

Jennifer said...

Ok since my dad has yet to reply I will give you a rough itinerary.

We arrive around Midnight

We have to pick Ange & Jonas up from the airport.

Possible New York day trip

Christmas Party

Afternoon Skiing/Snowboarding at Bear Creek or Spring Mountain

Take Ange & Jonas to the airport

New York if we don't make it on Friday; more skiing if we do.

Go back to Florida

CAN'T WAIT!! I check the weather everday to see if it is snowing!!

Valerie said...

skiing? ew!!

Donna said...

Sounds like fun. You may get lucky while you are here. We had snow twice already. Hopefully it will do my while you are here.

I will do my best to stay up for you guys but you may find me asleep on the chair.

Can't wait to see you.