Saturday, November 3, 2007

What UP!?

I haven't put much up here lately...but that doesn't mean I don't think about you all every day!!! I'm so cheesy.
Here's a picture of me & our company mascot - Larry the Stag. Not sure if you've ever seen Hartford's logo, but it's this huge deer. So once a year we get this costume from corporate and have someone parade around in it.

No one ever really grows up, do they?

Especially my mom!! Happy 55th birthday, Gin-Gin!! (Remember, it was Halloween). I love my mom - there's no way she's 55. No way!!!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Hi Valerie! It looks like you have fun at work and that's great. There's not many places that you can do that at.

Love you! Aunt Reen