Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, as most of you know, Ange and I threw a surprise party for my parent's 50th birthday (Mom in October and Dad in party in November!!). It was a HUGE success! We had around 40 people show up and surprise the heck out of them. They were under the pretense that they were going to meet friends of theirs and had to drop Addison off at my house. When they walked in to a room of friends and family, they were floored.

Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy :) We LOVE you!!

Oh yeah...I also had a collection of around 1050 songs from the seventies playing at the party. I've already made 3 copies for people (The first being my mom) so if anyone would like a copy let me know and I will make it.


Donna said...

Oh I wish I could have been there. Judging from the video they were really surprised. Yes, I would love a copy of the CD of the 70's songs. Bring it with you when you come for Christmas. Lots of Love and Happy 50th to Reen and Dave.

Valerie said...

very cool - I wish I was there!!!

I saw Marley scurrying cute!!

Maureen said...

Surprised I definitely was! I had Addison for the day who was really tired and cranky and Dave and I were supposed to be meeting friends for dinner. So I figured I'd get dressed and head to Jenn's to drop Addison off (Angela was at Jenn's) and put my make-up on there before heading to dinner. Well, much to my suprise as I'm walking in with make-up in hand, there are 40+ people there to greet me!

We really did have a great time. I think the last birthday party I had was when I was 16 and I can't remember if it was a surprise, but this is the first time I can say I didn't have a clue!

Donna said...

So cool

mare2 said...

I wish I could have been there...
Oh well, you'll be here soon :)

Linda said...

What a nice surprise Jennifer and Angela for your Mom and Dad. Terrific video. Wish i was there.
Hitting 50 isn't so bad when you get a great party like that.

Much love,