Monday, November 5, 2007

So Far for the Christmas Party

OK - this is what has been giving to me so far:

Mom - Mac & Cheese and Pumpkin Pie
Maureen - Beans and Rice
Donna - Shrimp and Primerib

Comment me back and add your contribution to the list. If you are only a stalker and not a blogger, call me.



Maureen said...

I'm thinking I'll do more than Rice and Beans, but I'll wait to see what responses you get and then figure out what we need. Maybe some veggies or something. If we stick with the Mexican Fiesta theme maybe some type of taco dip thingy.

Jenn - I vote for a trifle. We'll have to see if someone has a dish you can use.

Jennifer said...

I'm down with the trifle. I can do a red, yellow, and green one for Mexico!!

Donna said...

Great and thanks. I do not have many receipes for mexican food and will need lots of help from everyone. I think Maryellen has a good taco dip receipe. Am I right Mare? Valerie - do you want to do that taco lazagana dish? And Reen what is a trifle?

Valerie said...

Yes, I can make that.

And for the record, A.M. - Stevie & Katie are Addison's second cousins! Not Aunt & Uncle!!

That's my job to make them Aunt & Uncle!! Of course since those chances are dwindling, better stick with Addison calling them that....