Saturday, November 10, 2007

Have you Heard the News?

Most of you know, but some of you we haven't been able to connect with (Aunt Linda!), but me and Katie are pregnant!!!! WE'RE SO EXCITED! She found out a week before we left for our Florida vacation and we've been slowly spreading the news. We're guessing that the baby is due to join us sometime around July 1st....but we'll wait for our first appointment to start placing bets.
I'm getting a feel for how long 9 months is with a wife that all of a sudden is a little unstable since she can't drink or smoke. This should be REALLY interesting! But we're also happy to say that I'll be quitting smoking also after today. (Grandmom, I know you're happy!!)
That's all for now. We're heading to the airport to go back home. Love you all.
Stevie and Katie


Donna said...

This is so exciting. A little buck a rue right down the street. We haven't had that since Teddy and that has been awhile. Hang in there Katie (I know you will) and Stevie good luck to you with the smoking (well non smoking). All my love to you both.

Valerie said...

I'm sorry - I didn't see the hype announcing me as an Auntie Valerie?

Kidding - so excited.

Linda said...

Dear Steve and Katie,

A million congratulations. We'll be counting the months right along with you and looking forward to the first photos!

Much much love,
Aunt Linda