Wednesday, September 26, 2007

TV Time!!

I don't know how many of you watch The Office..but you ALL should!! My Uncle U turned us on to it and we are forever grateful. It took my dad a little bit to get into it, but now he and my mom can be seen dancing to the intro music! The new season starts tomorrow!

For you die hard 24 fans, I just read that Tony Almeida is coming back this season! Not sure whether he will help Jack or if the tribulations he has been through will make him the new villain. Either way I am excited to see him back!

I was so sad to see Kristen Bell go when Veronica Mars was canceled. She now narrates the show Gossip Girl but I'm trying to cut back on "High School" drama. Then when she turned down the role on Lost, I thought she was Broadway bound. But then news came that she was joining the cast of Heroes!! I'm not sure when she will show up but I think she is doing a 13 episode arc. BTW (By the way - for the non-texting folk), the premiere of Hero's did not disappoint. I was jumping out of my chair hooting and hollering by the end!!


Maureen said...

Great update Jenn! I haven't watched Heroe's yet but I'm back from Jax so I think we'll watch it tonight!

Donna said...

Thanks for the TV update. Hero's is one of our favorites. People have been telling me about Office but I haven't watched it yet.

U said...

The Office RULES!