Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hello Everybody!

Hello everyone! Well it's been way too long since I've blogged anything so I thought I'd touch base. It's been pretty busy! Dave, me, Jenn and Mike had a good time in St. Augustine. The ghost tour was pretty lame but the rest of the weekend was fun. Who knows where our next venture will be! Angela and Jonas are still doing great...getting sleep whenever they can now that they have Addison. Addison of course is an angel but...she can be a handful and loves to have the attention. I wonder who she takes after? Anyway, she was over the other night and she was laughing with Dave (Papa). It was fun to watch her and I didn't realize it was a first. I should have gotten it on film but didn't. Angela and Jonas are still trying to get her to laugh so they can see it but she's not cooperating. I think she needs to come back here; that should do it.

Her feet don't reach the floor and I had to prop her up with a blanket, but other than that she loved trying out her new walker!

There's a mirror above her and she is fascinating with seeing herself in it. I think she takes after her mom, or is it Aunt Jenn??

She LOVES her Papa!


Linda said...

Well of course everybody knows that Grandpop Dave is the funniest guy around, of course she's gonna laugh when he's with her. She is really the cutest baby. Its so nice that I'm getting to see my grand niece grow up.

Lots of love,

PS - the new password works Reen. Thanks!

Valerie said...

Awww, Uncle Dave has such a baby face, too!!!!

Donna said...

Thanks for the updated pic's. She is adorable. The first picture cracks me up because she has that devilish look in her eyes. Keep them coming.