Sunday, September 16, 2007

Breaking News!

Hi Everybody,

I have two important news flashes for you today.

The first is regarding Sr. Gerardine's father. He is home now, getting stronger and so happy to have a little longer chance at life. Gerardine is still at home but if her Dad continues to get stronger, she may return to Issoudun in the next few weeks.

Secondly, October 21st of this year is the 100th anniversary of the death of the founder of our religious congregation - Jules Chevalier, MSC. We are preparing gihugic celebrations for the event here including a 3-week Cor Novum program beginning October 1st, with speakers and participants from all over the world. Here is a photo of the old man Chevalier as he was being forced out of the rectory on Jan. 21st 1907 by French Government officials after all Church property in France was consficated. He died nine months later at the ripe old age of 83 after founding 3 religious congregations; being pastor of the local parish for 35 years and turning around the town of Issoudun that was noted in France for its indifference to God; sending Missionaries abroad to Papua New Guinea and the Gilbert Islands, as well as making foundations in many other European countries, Australia and in the USA; writing 25 books on subjects ranging from "The Sacred Heart" and "Our Lady of the Sacred Heart" to a "History of Issoudun"; writing 3000 letters to those needing his counsel (we still have the letters); undertaking major building constructions - a Basilica, a Monastery for the MSC Community and a Convent for the Sisters, a Seminary, an Apostolic School, major renovations on the parish Church - and all during a time of serious religious persecution in France. He was a man with a mission. Today, 5000 of us vowed religious and several hundred lay associates try to carry on his message and mission of helping people to know and experience God's Love.
That's all for now.
Have a good week y'all,
Aunt Linda


Valerie said...

very interesting, Aunt Linda. And good to hear about Sr. Geraldine's dad.

p.s. - good use of "gihugic"! Ha!

mare2 said...


I see a face up in the sky by the building. Do you???

Linda said...

Wow Maryellen, that is a face.
It actually looks like the contorted face of Fr. Chevalier,
furious that he's getting kicked out of his house!

Lots of love,

Maureen said...

Personnally I can't see a face! But if you say so. Anyway, the story is great and I'm glad to hear about Sr. Geraldine's dad.

Take care of yourself,
Love ya,