Here is a blog entry for Stevie and Val so they know that we are still alive down here ;)
Seriously though...not that much going on down here. Well, I lie...
Ange got a new car. It's a Saturn Vue and sooooo cute.
Addison is walking EVERYWHERE!
Not much is different with my mom and dad.
Mike is in process of setting up his kegerator. Oh, Aunt Donna this is for you, we are going to set up a room divider fish tank in between the living room and kitchen. It's going to 6x2x2 which is about 180 gallons!! I can't wait.
I also got my 3G iPhone today. YAY! I wasn't going to upgrade but there is this website which will give you $250 if you send in your old phone. So you essentially get a free upgrade....We'll see if I get my money.
That's it for me...I'll try and be more diligent about my blogging. But it is hard to sit here and rant about yourself ;)
Oh yeah, I forgot that I never posted my video from San Juan. I will do that when I get home along with the story of Mike vs. El Yunque :)
And of course I cannot tell you how cute Little Stevie is!!! BTW, what are you calling him? Stevie...Lil Stevie...Mini me...Five...