Monday, February 11, 2008
Playing at Nana and Papa's House
Addison was over yesterday and she loves her musical playground. I thought I'd send a picture of her playing. It's hard to believe how fast she's growing. She'll be 8 months on Sunday. Wow! Stevie and Katie - hold onto your pants because time will fly!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Growning Up
Yummy! It's dinner time! Hey, I'm so excited to see my second cousin growing. I can't wait until we get to play!
This is me giving Mommy a hard time about getting dressed. I just HATE putting shirts over my eyes.
Can't wait to see everyone again. Maybe at Christmas time.
This is me giving Mommy a hard time about getting dressed. I just HATE putting shirts over my eyes.
Can't wait to see everyone again. Maybe at Christmas time.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Baby White's Coming Soon!!!!!
Here they are......Katie and I went to the doctor today for our first ultrasound and here are the results.....A healthy baby!!! We decided to keep it traditional and not find out the sex until the day of delivery!!! I can't wait to find out!!!

Here is a clos up of the babies feet crossed. I had to increase the size for my mother to see them.

Here is a picture of the arm and it's waving to you. The elbow is in the middle of the picture with the forearm extending to the right with a little tiny hand saying hi!!!

Here is a picture of the baby's head. The head is facing up with the nose in the middle of the picture.
Here is a picture of the baby's head and torso on a profile view. The head is on the right side facing up and the chest and belly on the left side of the picture. You are able to see where the chin meets the chest in a V shape area.
That's all for now folks, I will keep you updated as we go. We also found out that Katie is 20 weeks and 5 days prego today from the pictures. Before the pictures she was 19 weeks and 5 days.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Super Dip
Hey remember how good Aunt Dotti's dip was at our Christmas party?
I'm gonna make it for Super bowl tomorrow and thought I'd put the recipe out there for everone.
Boil together:
1 cp. olive oil - 1/2 cp. cider vinigar - 1/2 cp. sugar - 1/2 tsp. salt & 1/4 tsp. pepper
Set aside to cool.
Rince & Drain:
1 can kidney beans - 1 can black beans - 1 sm. can shoe peg corn
Chop up fine:
1 cp. red pepper - 1 cp. celery - 1/2 cp. onion
Mix everything together and marinate overnight.
Drain off the oil and serve with those scoop chips.
It's the best!!!
I'm gonna make it for Super bowl tomorrow and thought I'd put the recipe out there for everone.
Boil together:
1 cp. olive oil - 1/2 cp. cider vinigar - 1/2 cp. sugar - 1/2 tsp. salt & 1/4 tsp. pepper
Set aside to cool.
Rince & Drain:
1 can kidney beans - 1 can black beans - 1 sm. can shoe peg corn
Chop up fine:
1 cp. red pepper - 1 cp. celery - 1/2 cp. onion
Mix everything together and marinate overnight.
Drain off the oil and serve with those scoop chips.
It's the best!!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
An Idea
Do you know how Valerie's post below says she misses Flordia so much? Well I was thinking - since I miss Flordia too and always have such a good time when we are there what would everyone think (especially Reen) if we tried having the Strayer Christmas Party there next year. Let me know what everyone thinks. If it works out maybe we could start another tradition and alternate the years.
Our Little Ocean
I don't think many of you know this, but Mike and I have become "Reefers"!! ...NO! NOT LIKE THAT! We started our saltwater tank and when you keep corals in your tank it is know as "Reef Keeping" :)
I took us about 4 months to even get water in the tank because Mike is a little anal and had to be sure we had all the details and were doing everything correctly ;) All kidding aside he did an AMAZING job with the pluming and setup of the tank and he has been researching everything soo much! But we finally put water in and it's been moving fast ever since.
The tank is a 72gal Bow front tank (which means that the front of the glass in not flat but slightly convex). It sits in the little nook in our kitchen (where the pics of martini glasses are on the wall). We have about 100lbs of live rock in the tank encrusted with beautiful coraline algae. It is live because it contains bacteria which is beneficial to the tank.
This week we got our clean up crew which consisted of snails, hermit crabs, a sea cucumber, and a starfish. And we also had gotten a few fish from someone tearing down their tank. We got 3 chromis (which are little green schooling fish) and a pink spotted goby. The goby is my favorite.
Here is a link to a thread that we started and it follows along the progress of the tank...Click Here

I took us about 4 months to even get water in the tank because Mike is a little anal and had to be sure we had all the details and were doing everything correctly ;) All kidding aside he did an AMAZING job with the pluming and setup of the tank and he has been researching everything soo much! But we finally put water in and it's been moving fast ever since.
The tank is a 72gal Bow front tank (which means that the front of the glass in not flat but slightly convex). It sits in the little nook in our kitchen (where the pics of martini glasses are on the wall). We have about 100lbs of live rock in the tank encrusted with beautiful coraline algae. It is live because it contains bacteria which is beneficial to the tank.
This week we got our clean up crew which consisted of snails, hermit crabs, a sea cucumber, and a starfish. And we also had gotten a few fish from someone tearing down their tank. We got 3 chromis (which are little green schooling fish) and a pink spotted goby. The goby is my favorite.
Here is a link to a thread that we started and it follows along the progress of the tank...Click Here

This is the sea cucumber with some snails and hermits

The goby guarding his cave

The 3 chromis fish with a toadstool leather coral in the background

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