Hi Everybody,
I think this is the right spot now - geeezzzzzzz - I can't believe I'm finally in. Thanks Maureen for all your help. As you probably know (from Mom's bush telegraph) after breaking my left thumb, I now have a cast, and so am obliged to type with one hand. Gerardine and I will be travelling to Rome for meetings and while there, perhaps the Holy Spirit will inspire me to figure out how to put pictures on the Blog now that I've gotten this far. It really is a WONDERFUL IDEA. Mom will love it, once she gets her computer up and running.
P.S. Here is a joke about Rome and the Holy Spirit. The Pope died and went to heaven and he was talking to the Holy Spirit and telling the Holy Spirit how much he liked the city of Rome. The Holy Spirit said: O yes, its one of those places I'd like to visit one day!!!
OK Maryellen - what's my pennance!
Lots of love,
Aunt Linda
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Whats going on everybody!!!

I am able to BLOG!! Sounds kinda dirty if you ask me. Here is one of the pictures I sent into HDTV to try and get a kitchen upgrade. I had to answer all these questions on a online form and submit photos and comments. Valerie filled out the hard questions and made me sound really fun. For some reason it didn't work. If you notice my kitchen is horrible. I'm getting there though. Well, I am gonna go now but I will be back to have more fun.
Where is Everyone
Was wondering why we are not hearing from anyone except Valerie and Reen. Come on guys this is a fun thing to do.
We had a great picnic on Sunday. The weather held out until later that night. Do you guys know (I heard this from someone who claims they did research) that we have only had 4 nice (no rain) memorial day weekends in the past 35 years. I haven't had time to check it out myself but thought it was quite interesting.
Also learned this weekend that you must beware of the Snapple fun facts - there not all true. I had one that said a mosquito has 47 teeth - of course I believed it and immediately ran out to find the newest arsenal of the season. We are trying the off laterns along with the off coils. They seemed to do a good job but we shall see.
Gotta Go and come on everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a great picnic on Sunday. The weather held out until later that night. Do you guys know (I heard this from someone who claims they did research) that we have only had 4 nice (no rain) memorial day weekends in the past 35 years. I haven't had time to check it out myself but thought it was quite interesting.
Also learned this weekend that you must beware of the Snapple fun facts - there not all true. I had one that said a mosquito has 47 teeth - of course I believed it and immediately ran out to find the newest arsenal of the season. We are trying the off laterns along with the off coils. They seemed to do a good job but we shall see.
Gotta Go and come on everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hi everyone - If you haven't marked your calendars yet, the family Christmas party is on December 15th. It should be lots of fun so make sure your there.
A very interesting tidbit of information - Jess (Q's girlfriend for those who don't know her) will be 21 on December 15.
At some point I will be reaching out to everyone for food idea's and yes Kathy, you can use this opportunity to remind me that I should have napkins and toothpicks. I am not very good with the little details.
Love everyone and make sure you pass the date onto anyone that doesn't use the computer.
Take care,
A very interesting tidbit of information - Jess (Q's girlfriend for those who don't know her) will be 21 on December 15.
At some point I will be reaching out to everyone for food idea's and yes Kathy, you can use this opportunity to remind me that I should have napkins and toothpicks. I am not very good with the little details.
Love everyone and make sure you pass the date onto anyone that doesn't use the computer.
Take care,
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
1st Annual White Cup Challenge
What did we do in honor of Angela's baby shower????

Sunday, May 20th held the 1st Annual White Cup Challenge. The challenge was Valerie vs. Stevie in a 2.5 hour video scavenger hunt. The hunt was created by Katie & Chelsea and consisted of various strange challenges that had point values corresponding to their difficulty/oddness. We each could choose one partner and we were both equally equipped with a video camera, $70 cash (no credit cards), a car, a license, and one cell phone (no internet!). Whichever team made the most challenges in 2.5 hours that were recorded on tape won.
Examples of the challenges include (but are NOT limited to):
Anyway, the final score came down to the ending's bonus point/deductions. First team back got a 50 point bonus. Any team late got a 10 point deduction for every minute past 2.5 hours. Stevie & Kevin made it back first (before 2.5 hours) and Kathy & I were ten minutes late (-100 points). Therefore, we lost.

However ---- I have to say after watching both the videos (and I think Brianna, A.D., and even Stevie would agree) my video was WAY more entertaining and we certainly did more challenges than the boys. BUT -- they won. And isn't that ALL that matters??????
Wait 'til next year, boys!!!

Sunday, May 20th held the 1st Annual White Cup Challenge. The challenge was Valerie vs. Stevie in a 2.5 hour video scavenger hunt. The hunt was created by Katie & Chelsea and consisted of various strange challenges that had point values corresponding to their difficulty/oddness. We each could choose one partner and we were both equally equipped with a video camera, $70 cash (no credit cards), a car, a license, and one cell phone (no internet!). Whichever team made the most challenges in 2.5 hours that were recorded on tape won.
Examples of the challenges include (but are NOT limited to):
- Pet a pig
- Go to the Fast Pitch Baseball in the batting cages
- Go to A.D.'s house and do a shot with her
- Run once around the track at Penndale
- Drink an icee (the Wawa version of "slurpee") in less than two minutes standing on one foot.
- Talk to an officer in uniform
- hula hoop for at least 30 seconds
(If you want the entire list, let me or Katie know. It's quite hysterical.)
Anyway, the final score came down to the ending's bonus point/deductions. First team back got a 50 point bonus. Any team late got a 10 point deduction for every minute past 2.5 hours. Stevie & Kevin made it back first (before 2.5 hours) and Kathy & I were ten minutes late (-100 points). Therefore, we lost.
However ---- I have to say after watching both the videos (and I think Brianna, A.D., and even Stevie would agree) my video was WAY more entertaining and we certainly did more challenges than the boys. BUT -- they won. And isn't that ALL that matters??????
Wait 'til next year, boys!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Angela's Baby Shower
Well, a fun time was had by all at Angela's baby shower. With everything pink in the room, I sure hope Addison doesn't turn out to be a boy!!!!! We had a great time and Ange was showered with lots and lots of great gifts. I didn't get great pictures (really needed Valerie!), but I'll share what I have. Hopefully someone else got some better shots and will send them to me. If so, I'll share them when I get them.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Love ya!

Friday, May 18, 2007
Best Brother
Just wanted to let you all know that my brother is the best brother ever. He came over last night to put my air conditioners into my sweltering 3rd floor apartment! Isn't he so sweet??
Monday, May 14, 2007
Welcome new bloggers....Dayna and Debbie
Happy Monday everyone. I see that Dayna and Debbie commented on the beautiful pictures posted of them in their FABULOUS outfits! If you guys email me at maureen.cardona@cfl.rr.com I'll send you to link to be able to sign in and create posts versus just leaving comments.
Donna - I see you still have not mastered the challenge of accepting the invitation to the family BLOG. I know you'll make it soon. Once you do I expect to see some posts out there.
Valerie - good job!!!!
Love you all. I'm busy getting ready for Angela's baby shower this Sunday. I'll post pictures after the shower.
Donna - I see you still have not mastered the challenge of accepting the invitation to the family BLOG. I know you'll make it soon. Once you do I expect to see some posts out there.
Valerie - good job!!!!
Love you all. I'm busy getting ready for Angela's baby shower this Sunday. I'll post pictures after the shower.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Dear Aunt Mare
I love you (a lot) but PLEASE don't put stuff up about people we don't know. We beg you. Otherwise, this site will be something we DON'T look forward to.
YA KNOW?????
We love you, Aunt Mare.
YA KNOW?????
We love you, Aunt Mare.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I just have to share this with all of you. After you read the article below Go to this website and look at what this 12 year old has been doing since she was 4. This is Amazing. http://www.artakiane.com/home.htm
Girl Prodigy Gifted With Incredible Art Talent Says 'Secrets' Exist In PaintingsFor your discernment:What's the story on Akiane Kramarik, the child prodigy from Idaho?We can't yet tell. All we can say is that when this unusual girl of 12 comes to the telephone, there is a joy, humility, and love in her voice that is instantly extraordinary.That's the beginning of discernment.
There is more. For this is a highly unique circumstance. Many of you have heard of her. Akiane, who was born (underwater) at home, on July 9, 1994, in Mount Morris, Illinois, to an atheistic stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an American father, chef, and dietary manager, has become famous for an experience when she was four.During that experience, claims the girl, God spoke to her -- and gave her artistic talent.What we know for sure is that afterwards, this bubbling young girl was gifted with an incredible ability to paint lucid portraits, along with insights that for her age are virtually unheard of. So extraordinary is it that she has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Fox News, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, the Lou Dobbs Show, the Glenn Beck Show, the Hour of Power, the Miracle Channel, TBN, Time Magazine, Today's Christian, and numerous other outlets.With all the sparkling, with all the starriness, with the twinkling, is it New Age, or simply a transcendental vantage point?The experience converted her parents. They have lived in Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, and now Idaho, "experiencing poverty and affluence," says her website, which gets about 150 million hits a year.Every morning, Akiane rises at four a.m. and begins drawing or painting or writing poetry. At the age of eight, she painted the image of Prince of Peace . She exhibits in major galleries and donates part of the proceeds from art sales to charities. She also has written two books. Her ability to speak foreign languages (Lithuanian and Russian) and to converse like an adult is striking.But let's get to the heart of the matter. What Akiane speaks about now, mainly, is the Lord. "One day, I just had this dream or vision," she says. "I saw a big bolt of light and felt filled with wisdom. It showed me my future, what I would do, and I woke up. It was at midnight."He showed me as an artist and painting on big canvasses. Then He gave me the gift of drawing and painting afterwards. I couldn't remember what He looked like." During her vision, "He just explained to me why I'm here," she told Spirit Daily. She still has glimpses of her dream. It is the dream, says Akiane, that connects her with the canvass. It is not like a constant revelation. In fact, she is now going through what she calls a "faith stage." "When it all started, my family didn't believe in God or go to church," says Akiane. "We have a connection with God now and it has been powerful. [Left, at age ten; right, a painting called "Faith."]She was shown not only what would come in her personal life but also in society at large. "He told me the future of the world and in a thousand years it is going to be so different than what people expect," she exclaims. "I don't think anyone could imagine what to expect." The road there, she says, is going to be "amazing and terrifying and happy" all at the same time. It will be an entirely different way of relating to God and His Creation. We offer this for discernment.A whole new way of relating to nature? A cleaner, more peaceful place?Events in the world -- and even in the weather, she feels -- are tied to a coming change. The "secret" of what is coming is hidden in her paintings, she asserts."I think God has given other people the same thing," she told us. "We all have a gift and if we use it the secret of the future will be inside it." They are hidden in her own work, but in a way she too must discern. "Each day I feel what happened the day before," she says about world events. At age nine, she painted the image to the right.The secrets are also in her poetry.New Age? Inspired by Christ -- by God? One must always be cautious at a time when particular daytime television shows promote matters that are spiritually deceptive. There are detractors and even those who have insisted that she destroy her artwork. Others weep for joy upon seeing it. Virtually everyone has trouble believing that a 12-year-old (she'll be 13 in July) could have an artistic portfolio dating back now to age four.The key to life, she feels, is to "do what's right," to "help people understand that we have to love each other," and simply "to get along together." In a word, love.Her family's belief now, says Akiane, is a "simple religion.""I just pray to God, express my feelings, and express my love," she says. "It's like He is my Friend. We should act ourselves when we go to Him. He knows who we are. Just talk to Him."Talk to Him and wait for miracles.Having attended both public and private schools, Akiane now is home-schooled with her four brothers, Delfini 16, Jean Lu 14, Ilia 5, and Aurelius, her new baby brother.A sample of the poetry: "I teach, and they run away. I listen, and they come. My strength is in my silence."5/11/07[Akiane's website]
May 11, 2007 8:04 PM
I just have to share this with all of you. After you read the article below Go to this website and look at what this 12 year old has been doing since she was 4. This is Amazing. http://www.artakiane.com/home.htm
Girl Prodigy Gifted With Incredible Art Talent Says 'Secrets' Exist In PaintingsFor your discernment:What's the story on Akiane Kramarik, the child prodigy from Idaho?We can't yet tell. All we can say is that when this unusual girl of 12 comes to the telephone, there is a joy, humility, and love in her voice that is instantly extraordinary.That's the beginning of discernment.
There is more. For this is a highly unique circumstance. Many of you have heard of her. Akiane, who was born (underwater) at home, on July 9, 1994, in Mount Morris, Illinois, to an atheistic stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an American father, chef, and dietary manager, has become famous for an experience when she was four.During that experience, claims the girl, God spoke to her -- and gave her artistic talent.What we know for sure is that afterwards, this bubbling young girl was gifted with an incredible ability to paint lucid portraits, along with insights that for her age are virtually unheard of. So extraordinary is it that she has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Fox News, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, the Lou Dobbs Show, the Glenn Beck Show, the Hour of Power, the Miracle Channel, TBN, Time Magazine, Today's Christian, and numerous other outlets.With all the sparkling, with all the starriness, with the twinkling, is it New Age, or simply a transcendental vantage point?The experience converted her parents. They have lived in Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, and now Idaho, "experiencing poverty and affluence," says her website, which gets about 150 million hits a year.Every morning, Akiane rises at four a.m. and begins drawing or painting or writing poetry. At the age of eight, she painted the image of Prince of Peace . She exhibits in major galleries and donates part of the proceeds from art sales to charities. She also has written two books. Her ability to speak foreign languages (Lithuanian and Russian) and to converse like an adult is striking.But let's get to the heart of the matter. What Akiane speaks about now, mainly, is the Lord. "One day, I just had this dream or vision," she says. "I saw a big bolt of light and felt filled with wisdom. It showed me my future, what I would do, and I woke up. It was at midnight."He showed me as an artist and painting on big canvasses. Then He gave me the gift of drawing and painting afterwards. I couldn't remember what He looked like." During her vision, "He just explained to me why I'm here," she told Spirit Daily. She still has glimpses of her dream. It is the dream, says Akiane, that connects her with the canvass. It is not like a constant revelation. In fact, she is now going through what she calls a "faith stage." "When it all started, my family didn't believe in God or go to church," says Akiane. "We have a connection with God now and it has been powerful. [Left, at age ten; right, a painting called "Faith."]She was shown not only what would come in her personal life but also in society at large. "He told me the future of the world and in a thousand years it is going to be so different than what people expect," she exclaims. "I don't think anyone could imagine what to expect." The road there, she says, is going to be "amazing and terrifying and happy" all at the same time. It will be an entirely different way of relating to God and His Creation. We offer this for discernment.A whole new way of relating to nature? A cleaner, more peaceful place?Events in the world -- and even in the weather, she feels -- are tied to a coming change. The "secret" of what is coming is hidden in her paintings, she asserts."I think God has given other people the same thing," she told us. "We all have a gift and if we use it the secret of the future will be inside it." They are hidden in her own work, but in a way she too must discern. "Each day I feel what happened the day before," she says about world events. At age nine, she painted the image to the right.The secrets are also in her poetry.New Age? Inspired by Christ -- by God? One must always be cautious at a time when particular daytime television shows promote matters that are spiritually deceptive. There are detractors and even those who have insisted that she destroy her artwork. Others weep for joy upon seeing it. Virtually everyone has trouble believing that a 12-year-old (she'll be 13 in July) could have an artistic portfolio dating back now to age four.The key to life, she feels, is to "do what's right," to "help people understand that we have to love each other," and simply "to get along together." In a word, love.Her family's belief now, says Akiane, is a "simple religion.""I just pray to God, express my feelings, and express my love," she says. "It's like He is my Friend. We should act ourselves when we go to Him. He knows who we are. Just talk to Him."Talk to Him and wait for miracles.Having attended both public and private schools, Akiane now is home-schooled with her four brothers, Delfini 16, Jean Lu 14, Ilia 5, and Aurelius, her new baby brother.A sample of the poetry: "I teach, and they run away. I listen, and they come. My strength is in my silence."5/11/07[Akiane's website]
May 11, 2007 8:04 PM
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Be careful what you're saying on your Cell Phone in Public!
To view the follow clip, click twice on the arrow.
Monday, May 7, 2007
My Kids

1. Have fun!
2. Cheer for everyone!
I'm proud to say they have successfully mastered the rules! We play until June 3rd at which point I will go into separation anxiety because they are amazing. I have truly found something I love - I will be doing this again next season! Oh and the best part - my assistant coaches are BRIANNA & CHELSEA!! As you can imagine, it's nothing but FUN!
Miss everyone.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Hi Everyone
Finally I am able to post.
Hummmm.... I will call Aunt Donna tomorrow and
ask her to check her mail so she can answer your
question concerning the week to come up for the
Christmas party. We should get that settled now
because Uncle Frank and Aunt Josephine are coming
as well this year.
Please pray for Aunt Margie. She is not doing
well at all and Hospice has been called in. Kathy,
Uncle Sonny and I went to see her today. She is
very weak and isn't expected to last very much
longer. Her body isn't retaining any nutrition now
and it's just a matter of time.
God Bless You All,
Aunt Mare
Hummmm.... I will call Aunt Donna tomorrow and
ask her to check her mail so she can answer your
question concerning the week to come up for the
Christmas party. We should get that settled now
because Uncle Frank and Aunt Josephine are coming
as well this year.
Please pray for Aunt Margie. She is not doing
well at all and Hospice has been called in. Kathy,
Uncle Sonny and I went to see her today. She is
very weak and isn't expected to last very much
longer. Her body isn't retaining any nutrition now
and it's just a matter of time.
God Bless You All,
Aunt Mare
Angela's Baby Shower
Angela's baby shower will be held on Sunday, May 20th at 2pm. We're having it at the Oakland Town Hall facility which is the yellow building behind Town hall and the Post Office. If you don't know already, Angela is having a GIRL! Addison Jennifer Key.
How to Post on the Blog
Hi everyone! If you want to be able to post on the blog, you'll need to sign in with a Google account. On the top right hand corner you should see a "sign in" link. Click on this link and create your Google log-in. Once you're logged in you will have the options to post on the blog. Let me know if you have trouble.
Update on Broadway tickets for December. A friend of mine has a friend that is a ticket broker and can get us tickets for whatever he pays. So once we figure out who and when, I'll ask if he can get us our tickets.
Update on Broadway tickets for December. A friend of mine has a friend that is a ticket broker and can get us tickets for whatever he pays. So once we figure out who and when, I'll ask if he can get us our tickets.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Broadway at Christmas
My family (All 7 of us) are planning to come up to Pa for Aunt Donna's Christmas party. When we came up last year a group of us went to New York for the day. We had an AMAZING time but we didn't get a chance to go see a show on Broadway.
We don't want to leave anyone out, so anyone interested in going with us leave a comment and we can get tickets together.
We don't want to leave anyone out, so anyone interested in going with us leave a comment and we can get tickets together.
Strayers Start Blogging!!!
Hello All!!
My mom asked for a Strayer Blog so we can all keep in touch.
So sign up and start blogging!!
My mom asked for a Strayer Blog so we can all keep in touch.
So sign up and start blogging!!
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