Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family Fun

Mike, Jenn and Maddox went tailgating at UCF for the game last week.  They had rain but it didn't stop the fun that Maddox had!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Visit to an Ochre Mining area in France

Hi Everybody,
These are some photos of a trip we made to the town of Roussillon, in the south of France.
Surrounding the town are giant colorful rocks and mountains from which ochre is extracted and thereafter manufactured into various colors for paints, etc.  We visited the town as well as the old conservatory which is an old mining site now only used for visitor tours.  Though there are many synthetic and articifial colors made now, oche is natural and has been known and used since the beginning of early humanity.   
Enjoy the photos.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

This is for you Linda

Well, we didn't get a lot of pictures for Addison's 5th birthday, but it was the day after I had my gallbladder out, and Angela was quite busy!  Jennifer did a FABOLOUS job on the cake, which we definately got some pics of.  So here's a few for you.

Here's the cake!  If you want a laugh.....see the lolipop on the front?  All of the decorations, including the popcorn is made out of fondant.  Well, we're assembling the cake and I look up and Maddox has the lolipop and had taken a bite!  Way too funny.  So I set it down against the cake and hit the bite with popcorn kernals!  BTW - Angela's artistry came in to play with all of the carnival fondant decorations. 

Addison on the Pony Ride

Maddox considering the water slide

And then the pony

Angela rented the large water slide, an obtacle course, a bounce house AND ponies.....................and all the kids wanted to play in the SPA!

Addison had fun in the bounce house

Here's a view of the cake - It was a carnival theme, so the cake is a box of popcorn.  There were also cupcakes with popcorn tops and ice cream cone cupcakes, which the kids loved!  Jenn went over the top!

Emmily or Kaitlyn........I'm alway at a lose!  Hopefully Deb got some pictures of both!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lets have some new material!

OK everybody,

It has been a full year since anyone but myself has posted on the blog.  Get your cameras going and throw a few photos on here so I don't have to be completely bowled over when I see that the kids have grown two feet since I saw them last in person.

Much love and miss you all,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mom's 83rd birthday and other February photos

Big Q, Donna and Brianna just hangin out

The world of teckies

Mom's big moment

Mom doing penance for Lent!

Tom and a visitor from France

Q and Jess

Nice photo-op

Valerie and Mom at Donna and Quentin's for Mom's party

Dave and Maureen with Mom at her birthday party at Stevie and Katies.

Katie and Brayden, obviously enjoying this!

Steve with Stephen demonstrating his dislike of photos!

Gini getting ready to beat everybody at Scrabble

Paul in Lansdale

Tom with Allie and Ted

Cliff's big moment

Aunt Betty at Cliff's birthday party

Donna and Kathy at Cliff's birthday

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Photos from Alsace

Hi Everybody,

Since there have been no new posts since August, I though I would post some from my trip to the Alsace Region of France (eastern France near border of Germany) with two of our sisters here preparing for final vows.