Monday, September 27, 2010

New Experience

Well, Dave and I had a new experience this weekend.......We semi-attended a "Hand-fasting" wedding ceremony! Yes, it's definitely a story you want to hear Dave tell, but I'll give some highlights. This was a co-worker of Dave's from 10 years ago that had invited us to his wedding. I never saw the invitation, but Dave described it to me as a "luau" on the beach. So of course, I plan a nice flowing sundress! Well, on Saturday, the day of the wedding, Dave says that we are suppose to bring our own chairs.......okay - I think beach chairs, but also think I'm over-dressed. So I quick run out and buy some capris and a nice shirt. So, we get in the car and head out to New Smyrna and I see a "copy" of instructions????? So I begin to read.

First I see that the ceremony will be a blood sharing ceremony. Really?? So I read on. It's going to take place at the "Glynn" and will be a traditional drum circle ceremony. We should bring our own "camping" chairs. So now I'm thinking Deep Woods Off! Well I have my new nifty I-phone so I decide to look it up "drum circle" on the internet, and much to my surprise it states "CLOTHING IS OPTIONAL!" OMG - what kind of wedding was this?

Anyway, we get to the "Glynn" which was way in the back woods of New Smyrna, and we get to the place with lot's of people dressed (thank goodness they were dressed!) like gypsies. We leave our beach chairs in the car and start to walk around. We checked out the "altars" and saw some interesting stuff and watched as gypsies danced around with incense. The ceremony is about to start and we are ready to go.....but didn't want to look obvious. We're outside, in the dark, with drums beating and the bridal procession is approaching. Dave and I are slooooowwwwlllllyyyyy backing away. We head for the car and we were OUT OF THERE!

Obviously his friend didn't notice we were gone because he called Dave on Monday and thanked us for coming. What an experience!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Addison's First Soccer Game

Addison had her first soccer game today. What a riot watching a bunch of three year olds play soccer. Just keeping them on the same side of the field, or on the field at all in Addison's case, is quite the challenge! Well, of course she looked addorable in her little cleats and shin guards. But in true Stayer fashion, five minutes into the game and Addison had to go potty! When she came back and went into the game, a little boy knocked her down. That pretty much sealed the deal for her for not playing the rest of the game. She did go in for one more round when the coach bribed her with gummies. We'll try this again next week........................

Addison trying out her new cleats and shin guards.

This picture is from practice.....she can kick the ball pretty good!

And Maddox is just so darn cute I have to throw this picture in!!! This is him just vegging out in Bob and Lisa's pool.