Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jamie and Chrissy's new addition, Cyrus Bryant

Cyrus Bryant Cossman is now 5 months old!!!!

Cyrus and Brayden are so cute, they just roll around on the floor together and try to avoid being jumped on by Stephen.

They try to share toys but neither are very willing. What can you do?
Sorry Aunt Maureen and Uncle Dave I know it took a while to get pictures posted.

White Family Christening

Look at how excited Aunt Mare is!!!! It really was a fun time, I promise!!!!

Teddy is hiding to left, he didn't want to be in the picture.

We had it catered at our house and the food was great!!! Point proven!!!

We were so happy to see G.G., Uncle Cliff, and Aunt Kathy thanks for coming!!! And we love you too, Paul!!!!

Stephen was eyeing up the Priest.

And it made no difference to Brayden!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

New Pics from Easter

Here are updated pictures of Addison and Maddox. Aren't they just too cute!!

We had Dave's youngest brother's birthday on Easter and Jenn made his cake (with help from Ange on the decorating. The bottom layer was all RICE KRISPIE TREAT!!! Yummmmm. Angela made the little old man sitting on the cake. Too cute!