Monday, August 31, 2009

No babies in Issoudun

Dear All,

Though these photos are not as exciting as the baby pictures, I offer them anyway of the session we just completed here in Issoudun with our members. The group of four ( 1 man and 3 women including me) were the "American delegation." One is an MSC priest and he brought along two of his MSC lay associates from Texas. For the cultural night, we played BASEBALL.

Much love,


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brayden William White

Cliff & I just came back from meeting baby Brayden. He is sooooooo cute!! Wait till you all meet him!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby White II

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know that Katie and I are headed to the Hospital tomorrow morning at 7:00am to start the process of Baby White II. I can't believe that Bubbers will be a BIG BROTHER!!!! Hopefully I can get to everyone and let them know what is going on but if I don't, it will be a little crazy. Hopefully my mother will be spreading the news. Wish us luck and I will talk to everyone soon. Love, Stevie IV.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

And Here They Are!

OK - I absolutely HAD to take a picture of Leo's feet - They're really big!!!!!!!

More Baby Pics!

I went to visit my adorable grandson yesterday and got a little picture happy - though I'd share some of them - More to come.....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome Leo!!!!!

My grandson Leo was born yesterday August 18th at 2:20am.
He is 7lbs 1 oz and 20-1/2" long. He is so adorable I just love
him to death!!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

One More Twin Pic

OK - My mom got on me about not posting this picture along with the others so here it is

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Twin Pics

Well its been a while since I've posted pictures of Kaitlyn and Emmily so here is a picture of each of them playing in their bouncer. Kaitlyn is in purple and Emmily is in pink.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Little Man Sunday

Ok, this one is from a couple months ago, but it cracks me up. He kept making this face everytime the flash lit up on the camera.

This is Bubbers looking like a linebacker. It's like he's daring someone to mess with him!

And here is Bubbers looking adorable, while Grandmom is shoving a chocolate frosted donut in her mouth behind him! I love this picture - HILARIOUS.