Wednesday, May 27, 2009

VW in FL

Well, I went to Florida last week and I was kind enough to bring them rain. Apparently there had been a drought for weeks, but within 12 hours of my presence, there were constant onslaughts of thunderstorms that were torrential and unweilding. Great state of Florida...YOU'RE WELCOME.

As a thank you, I lost my drivers license somewhere and my cell phone broke. Other than that it was a pretty good trip - after all, I GOT TO SEE MY FAMILY!!!

Here's some pics. Not all of them, of course, but a taste. I have to leave SOME suprises for the next calendar!!

Big thanks to Aunt Maureen & Uncle Dave for having a nice big family dinner on Sunday night. It was fabulous! And then on Monday I got to feast on an assortment of kabob meats that Keith grilled up. He reminds me SO MUCH of Stevie.

The kids are perfect - Addison, Kaitlyn, and little bossy Emily!!! I love them all and "supposedly" Addison said my name!!! Miss you already - thanks for everything!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A bit of Sunshine!

Poor Valerie has been here since Sunday and it has not stopped raining! But she did have a ray of sunshine on Sunday evening when she got to meet her newest cousins. They hit it off from the start!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is a TRUE STORY

Open your hearts today.

I have the original movie and it is such an amazing story. And it's just one of many that have
happened in our time on this planet. It's in my heart to share it with all my family and friends.
Try to see it if you can.

Love You,
Aunt Mare

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Grad

Yesterday, Quentin graduated from Arcadia University with a BA in biology. Here is a couple pictures from the ceremony.
The official party will be June 20th here at my house. All are welcome. We will be celebrating all three graduates. Quentin, Brianna who will be graduating high school on June 16th and Jess who also graduated from Arcadia yesterday.
Hope everyone can be there - it will be fun.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I will be in Orlando all next week. My flight leaves tomorrow at 5:45pm. I'm staying in Kissimmee until Sunday, May 24th.

I want to see cousins, twins, aunts, uncles, etc. I will have my own car, so beware of a "drop in".

Please let me know when a good time to see you all is.

Love you!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi everybody,

I've been told that not everyone has the link to the shutterfly website that Debbie created for the twins. This is because she doesn't have everyone's email address and forgot how to blog. Anyway she has 97 pictures of Kaitlyn & Emmily up on
Also, Keith & Debbie's email address is: If you send her a note, she'll have your address .

Had a GREAT time at Donna's on Mother's Day. It's always so good to see everybody!!!!!!!
Thanks Donna!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Kinda gross!!

Cutie boys.

I will never, ever get a picture of all of you at once!

"Oh this is soooo my favorite hat!" -Bubbers.

Me & my sweetie.