Sunday, August 31, 2008

hey guys just putting up some pics of me, christina, the boys and babies.

Me, Nathan, and Zoey

Christina and Zoey

Christina and Landan

Me and the kids



The Boys

Christina and her Popo cup lol



well have more pics and updates later

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nothing but Smiles

It took a little while but the newest grandmom eventually let go and gave
Aunt Kathy a chance to hold Little Stevie.
Little Stevie is now 2 months old......hard to believe. He is smiling like crazy. We go to the doctor tomorrow for his 2 month checkup and shots, poor baby. He is now 11 1/2 lbs and sleeping great. He sleeps through the night anywhere from 6-9 hours, so Stevie and I feel pretty lucky.
Sorry you couldn't be here Uncle Cliff, we missed you!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My First Blog

Hey everyone, its David, just got and invite and so I'm here lol. Well we moved to Peoria,Illinois and were liking it so far, a lots happened. remember we lived on our own for about a year in Florida then we moved back to my fathers house, we left the apartments 2 months before the lease was up so we knew would have 2 pay about 1200 because our rent was 610 a month so we left. 2 weeks before we move a credit company calls us and says we owe 2549, ....what? that's what i said, anyway we left 4 Illinois and the truck breaks down 49 miles in GA and were stuck there four 8 1/2 hrs. her grandmother gets us a Uhaul so were finally on the way. We get here and we find out that Christina had a miscarrage witch really hurt both of us, her even more. Well i started school of culinary arts and i have a new job so dose Christina, and we got that debt payed off and were doing really good!!

Love David &Christina

Grand Canyon Vacation

We got back from Arizona on Thursday, flying into Tropical Storm Faye. Boy, what a landing!!! It's been raining since we got back (Blah!). We had a great time. It's definitely a place for the outdoors lover (hiking, mountain biking, etc.), but the sights are beautiful. We stayed at a resort in Sedona which is the area with all of the Red Rock. We drove to the Grand Canyon which was about 2 hours away. The Grand Canyon was indescribable. I don't believe that any picture could capture the actual granduer of the Canyon. But again, it would be more fun if you were the outdoors type and actually hiked or took a mule to the bottom of the canyon. That would be about 6 hours down, spending the night at the bottom, and 6 - 8 hours back up. Seeing that tarantula's and mountain lions are pretty common there, I wouldn't think of that as too much fun, although Dave said he would love to do it. Addison had a great time too. We went to the petting zoo where she fed the deer, and to another Animal Preserve where she got to feed a camel and pet a BIG snake. She loved both. I'm sharing some pictures below.

Love you all!

Addison loves her "accessories." She will put everything around her neck, all my necklaces, cell phone chargers, just about anything, so I decided to get her a set of necklaces that she can call her own! And she loves her sunglasses too. She wears them all the time.

The was the Red Rock mountain that was in view from our hotel room balcony.

This is a picture of the Grand Canyon, although you can't see the bottom.

Addison petting the Snake

and feeding the Camel.....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Patio Pictures

Here are some shots of the patio. It isn't totally finished as Quentin is in the process of building the kitchen and we need to do a few little cosmetic finishes with it. We are enjoying it immensely. Last pic is of Mason being a bad puppy. He likes going in the pond. I came up with a compromise and now fill a tub of water next to the pond that he can play in. Thats it for now. I will post more later.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mr. Mojo

Hi everyone. Keith and I are finally settling down from the move and I figured I would post some pics of the new puppy (Mojo). I will get pics of the house soon and post them too. Hugs and Kisses to all!

Keith & Debbie

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

iPhone Money

Well much to my excitement and Mike's iPhone reimbursement came in!!! And it is for $250 instead of the $200 it was supposed to be originally. So I actually made money by upgrading my iPhone.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cor Novum now has a Website!

Dear Everyone,

Cor Novum has finally joined the age of technology and you can now visit our website at
We leave for South Africa in less than a week but we'll be putting photos and messages on our site to let everone know how the programs there are going.
Much love,

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Well, it's been a little while since I've gotten to Blog. There's great news in Floria.......We got the peanut butter filled pretzels in our Grocery stores! (Or as the Sobel family refers to this higly addictive snack, CRACK!). The bad news is that Addison's addicted.

Dave and I are thinking about a beach house. JUST THINKING but we're going to take a look at six that are on the market this afternoon. We're thinking it might be fun. We'll see. I'll keep you posted on that. Kathy and Cliff, there's some great buys here on houses right now. I hope you get a bite or two on yours really soon.

We had game night last night and had a great time play Turbo Cranium. My team won of course!! The Humdinger's always throw me though. It's amazing how you can hum something in your head and it can sound pretty good (to you) but when you try to hum it out loud for your team to guess what it is,'s not quite the same. And I'm really bad at puppeteering a partner to have the team guess something. But it was interesting to watch Angela puperteer Jennifer changing a diaper!

Addison growing fast. I'll share some pics in my next post. We're all heading to Sedona, AZ in a week (Me, Dave, Angela and Addison). We're looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. Sedona is suppose to be really pretty too. I'll take lots of pictures and share later.

Well, that's about all for now. Stevie and Katie - Give little V lots of hugs and kisses from Florida.

Love you all,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Addition to blog below

Well, maybe because the photo was so big it didn't have any more place foer the words below, so I'll put the commentary to the photo below in this post. This is a photo of our current session in Issoudun. We have four language groups (English, Korean, Portuguese and French) so its been fun trying to communicate. We use a lot of hand gestures outside of the formal session time where thankfully, we have very good translators. We finish this 30 day sesion on the 9th of August and then on the 19th its onward to South Africa for four months for two six-week sessions there. They've promised us internet access and our own "wheels" so things are looking up from our experience of the Congo last year (no internet and no roads even if we did have wheels).

I'm doing fine and have talked to Maureen and Dave and seen Addison on the WebCam twice already and hope to see Mom tonight if Donna has her Skype and WebCam working by now. So, the rest of you get going. If I can do it, you all can.

Lots of love and keep the baby pictures coming. I love to see all the family news, even reading about 6 foot fishtanks in Jennifer and Michael's house. That's a lot of fish to feed! Miss you all.

Current Session in Issoudun

Friday, August 1, 2008

A blog entry NOT written by a White

Here is a blog entry for Stevie and Val so they know that we are still alive down here ;)

Seriously though...not that much going on down here. Well, I lie...

Ange got a new car. It's a Saturn Vue and sooooo cute.

Addison is walking EVERYWHERE!

Not much is different with my mom and dad.

Mike is in process of setting up his kegerator. Oh, Aunt Donna this is for you, we are going to set up a room divider fish tank in between the living room and kitchen. It's going to 6x2x2 which is about 180 gallons!! I can't wait.

I also got my 3G iPhone today. YAY! I wasn't going to upgrade but there is this website which will give you $250 if you send in your old phone. So you essentially get a free upgrade....We'll see if I get my money.

That's it for me...I'll try and be more diligent about my blogging. But it is hard to sit here and rant about yourself ;)

Oh yeah, I forgot that I never posted my video from San Juan. I will do that when I get home along with the story of Mike vs. El Yunque :)

And of course I cannot tell you how cute Little Stevie is!!! BTW, what are you calling him? Stevie...Lil Stevie...Mini me...Five...