Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Pool Update and Baby White Info.

Well everyone.....Katie and I went to the doctor today and found out that she is not dialated so the doctor set up the next steps. If baby white does not decied to show up then we will be going to the hospital on Wednsday July 2, 2008 to start the process. Then they will start to induce her on July 3rd around 8:00am. So it wont be too much longer. In the meantime here is the latest POOL UPDATE!!! I will keep everyone updated!!

1.Steve White Boy 7-4-08 7lbs. 8oz.
2.Katie White Girl 7-1-08 6lbs. 7oz.
3.Bryan Cannella Girl 7-7-08 7lbs. 5oz.
4.Dave Keyser Girl 7-2-08 7lbs. 3oz.
5.Jamie Cossman Girl 6-24-08 7lbs. 13oz.
6.Chrissy Cossman Boy 6-26-08 9lbs. 2oz.
7.Sharon Stewart Girl 6-30-08 7lbs. 15oz.
8.Aunt Donna Girl 7-2-08 7lbs. 3oz.
9.Mike and Eileen Girl
10.Uncle Joe Boy
11.Bob and Beth Girl
12.Uncle Tom Boy
13.Grandmom Girl 7lbs. 6oz.
14.Aunt Maureen Girl 6-26-08 6lbs. 7oz.
15.Valerie White Boy
16.Gini White Girl 6-27-08 6lbs. 9oz.
17.Gini White Boy 6-27-08 7lbs. 6oz.
18.Aunt Kathy Girl 7-7-08 6lbs. 8oz.
19.Uncle Cliff Boy 7-1-08 7lbs. 5oz.
20Chelsea Haggerty Boy 6-25-08

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Road Trips

Camden Yards

Baltimore Inner Harbor, by the aquarium

Retired Yankee Numbers

Evidence I was at the toilet of the Evil Empire.

Last week my godson (Kyle) and I took two road trips. One to Baltimore, MD to see the Orioles play the Astros at Camden Yards and to the Bronx to see the lame Yankees play the Cincinnati Reds. Both great trips! Baltimore was BEAUTIFUL and Yankee Stadium was a toilet. But I love NY, so I had a blast anyway. Above are a couple pics.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today is Addison's first birthday, although we celebrated last weekend when Mom, Kathy, Donna, Quentin and Jess were here. We had a great time and lots of great food.

Happy First Birthday Addision!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Get ready to laugh

Hi everybody,
With Addison already one year old (or nearly) and with another little one about to enter the extended Strayer clan, I couldn't resist putting this on the blog. Don't forget to turn up the sound.
Have fun,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pool for Fun

If you rather not bet your more than welcome to play for fun. Please let me know in the comments to play.
I didnt like the way the other post looked!!!
OK everyone, the time has come for a baby pool. My friend Bryan Cannella started it the other day. I listed below the choices from people who submitted so far. The entry fee is twenty bucks. Please let me know if you want to play along. I will update the sheet regularly. I have a pool also started by Uncle Q and Aunt Donna that only guessed the sex but they are on here to. If you want you can complete the rest of the information and I will log it. Good luck and hope for the July 4th!!!
1.Steve White Boy 7-4-08 7lbs. 8oz.
2.Katie White Girl 7-1-08 6lbs. 8oz.
3.Bryan Cannella Girl 7-7-08 7lbs. 5oz.
4.Dave Keyser Girl 7-2-08 7lbs. 3oz.
5.Jamie Cossman Girl 6-24-08 7lbs. 13oz.
6.Chrissy Cossman Boy 6-26-08 9lbs. 2oz.
7.Sharon Stewart Girl 6-30-08 7lbs. 15oz.
8.Aunt Donna Girl
9.Mike and Eileen Girl
10.Uncle Joe Boy
11.Bob and Beth Girl
12.Uncle Tom Boy

Baby Pool For Baby White

OK everyone, the time has come for a baby pool. My friend Bryan Cannella started it and I am keeping track of it. I listed below the choices from people who submitted so far. The entry fee is twenty bucks. Please let me know if you want to play along. I will update the sheet regularly. I have a pool also started by Uncle Q and Aunt Donna that only guessed the sex but they are on here to. If you want you can complete the rest of the information and I will log it. Good luck and hope for the July 4th!!!
1.Steve White Boy 7-4-08 7lbs. 8oz. yes
2.Katie White Girl 7-1-08 6lbs. 8oz. yes
3.Bryan Cannella Girl 7-7-08 7lbs. 5oz. yes
4.Dave Keyser Girl 7-2-08 7lbs. 3oz. yes
5.Jamie Cossman Girl 6-24-08 7lbs. 13oz. no
6.Chrissy Cossman Boy 6-26-08 9lbs. 2oz. no
7.Sharon Stewart Girl 6-30-08 7lbs. 15oz. no
8.A.D. and U.Q. Girl
9.Mike and Eileen Girl
10.Uncle Joe Boy
11.Bob and Beth Girl
12.Uncle Tom Boy

Monday, June 2, 2008